Welcome to Eastern Hutt Rotary's e-Bulletin.smiley
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Last Meeting
Guest Speaker Rozy Moar - ESR Senior Scientist 
On Monday night, ESR senior scientist Rosy Moar came and gave a talk about Forensic Toxicology in New Zealand. The Environmental & Scientific Research Institute is a Crown Entity, largely funded by payment for the work it does for governmental entities.  She explained about the work ESR performed – in environmental, health and forensic sectors - and its role as a Crown Research Institute.  The Forensic Toxicology unit is based out in Porirua, just below the Kenepuru Hospital.

The Power of Positivity

Upcoming Meetings & Events
Club Forum
Nov 25, 2024
Wednesday Brunch Meeting
Boulcott Golf Course
Dec 04, 2024
10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
Board Meeting
Dec 09, 2024 4:30 PM
First Meeting For Year Barbecue
Jan 13, 2025
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Various Rotary Links
New Satellite Group?
7 Reasons Young (and Young-ish) People Should Join Rotary
How to Log-in
Rotary in General
District 9940 Website
Activity & Training Programmes
Important Rotary Documents
General Info
Risk Management Document
Civil Defence site
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Bulletin Editor
Jan Palmer

General Notices

* The roster can change weekly with absences etc so please check the roster each week to see if you have a duty.
* Reporting Dinner Absences
With Christine away until the end of the year this is a reminder to contact Tony Cornelius for dinner absences by Sunday 4.00pm. 
* Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner - Saturday 16th November
Thank you to everyone intending to enjoy a shared meal with your Rotary friends. A special thanks to our hosts.  On a housekeeping note, you will be aware that dinner guests (not hosts) pay $20 per person. Treasurer Tony has suggested this be paid into the club account, 03 0531 0612663 00, with your name and reference ‘Dinner’.
Once again, thank you for your support and enjoy yourselves.
Paul Giles
Environment Committee
* Summer Lunch in the Wairarapa
Your Environment Committee is proposing a lunch expedition, probably last Sunday in February, either to  Moyes Hall (high end mains to share $65, desserts $10) or Gladstone Pub ($42 includes breads buffet mains and dessert), wine and  transport costs extra in both cases.
Please consult your significant other and on Monday be prepared to indicate interest, preferred venue, also whether bus or carsharing preferred.
Richard Perry  and David Gledhill.
* Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament - 21 February 2025 - Save The Date 
Yesterday Brian Clarke and I attended the first meeting of the committee to arrange next year's golf tournament.  Please note the date in your diaries so we can have a full complement of members available on the day to assist.  
* Upcoming RYLA Course 
The Youth Committee is seeking applications from young people, aged between 18 and 24, showing leadership potential, to attend a 5 day residential, high energy programme, at Forest Lakes, Otaki, between the 22nd and the 26th of January 2025.
Further details may be found at  
If you have any questions please contact Robin Aitken. 
* Africa on Fire
Ross Barber is having a container delivered to their site in Woburn to get ready for the next shipment to Felito and Anna.  He mentioned they are needing the items listed below. There is no requirement for the items to be in new condition just useable and clean please.
Sewing machines
Hand tools
Children's clothing
Single blankets and sheets
Pillows and pillow cases
Double bed bedding
Members can bring items to Rotary. Please speak to Glenda if you need large items collected.  The container will be available until 25 November. Please deliver your donated items to Glenda before then.  
Ross asked Glenda to pass on all their grateful thanks for remembering Africa on Fire. There are never enough words to express how they feel at not being forgotten.
Parting Thought
David Thompson provided the parting thought at the end of the evening - 
"To top off what seems to me to be an omnipresent world wide angst about pretty much everything, we’ve had the American Presidential Election.
From Henry Ford:-
When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.
And from someone by the name of Og Mandino:-
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars."

Birthdays Coming Up This Week:

* No birthdays this week

Anniversaries in November:

* Mike Keehan - 21 November 2022 (Previously Oamaru)

Rostered Duties

A reminder that it's your responsibility to find a replacement if you are unable to fulfil your duty. Please let Jan Palmer know of any changes to the roster. 
Eastern Hutt Rotary e-Bulletin
     We meet at Avalon Pavilion, Taita Drive entrance, Mondays, at 5:55 pm 
Visitors and prospective members always welcome.  
For catering purposes, contact our Secretary  (021) 1226153