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Dylan Davey, "our" co-sponsored student, spoke on the Students Science and Technology Forum he attended in Auckland.
We have often wondered what goes on at the courses or forums we sponsor and Dylan gave a particularly clear and helpful account of the one he attended for two weeks last January. Dylan is now a year 13 student at St Patrick's College in Silverstream which he has attended since his family came to New Zealand from South Africa in 2015.
(If you have any comments or questions, please contact the editor)
General Notices
* The roster can change weekly with absences etc so please check the roster each week to see if you have a duty.
* Walk for Mental Health
The walk is this Sunday. Just a reminder if you are participating in the walk as a walker or a volunteer please wear your club polo shirts.
* Fashion Parade at Ballantynes Tuesday 26 March
The club is sponsoring this year’s Fashion Show at Ballentynes Fashion Central, 200 High Street Lower Hutt on 26 March 2024 at 7pm. Ticket prices (including a lucky prize draw) are $25 with proceeds going to the Lower Hutt Community Foodbank. Payments (including donations from those unable to attend) can be made to the rotary account you pay for your meals to quoting "Fashion Show" and name as a reference. Rotarians are encouraged to promote the event via their various contact sources. Tickets are now available and include a 20% discount on purchases from Ballentynes up to one week following the show. If you have any questions please contact Mike Keehan.
* Quiz/Auction Evening Friday 7 June - Save the date
More information soon
* Innovative Young Minds (IYM) 7 - 12 July 2024
Applications close for IYM on 15 March so if you know of any young people in Years 11 & 12 from the greater Wellington area who might benefit from this life changing course please see June.
Several members recently rode the Alps2 Ocean Trail, a distance of over 300 kms. Congratulations Tony and Jenny Cornelius , Paul and Christine Giles, John Cole and Mike Fackney. Great effort team!
Parting Thought
Shelley provided the parting thought at the end of our meeting -
"People working together in a strong community with a shared goal and a common purpose can make the impossible possible." Tom Vilsack
A reminder that it's your responsibility to find a replacement if you are unable to fulfil your duty. Please let Jan Palmer know of any changes to the roster.
Eastern Hutt Rotary e-Bulletin
We meet at Avalon Pavilion, Taita Drive entrance, Mondays, at 5:55 pm
Visitors and prospective members always welcome.
For catering purposes, contact our Secretary (021) 1226153