Posted by Mike Fackney
Very proud Grandparents. 
Thank you so much to all who were able to attend our Christmas function.  It was great to share time with members, partners and friends, and to enjoy fellowship and entertainment.
Of course, a Christmas function just doesn’t happen!
Special thanks must go to Ron Hunter who organised the Function and set up the Hall, ably assisted by June Stratton, Paul Giles, Gary Stratton, and Tony Cornelius. Thanks also to Linda Goss-Wallace for selling the Raffle tickets, and to Colin Alford for suggesting the ‘group photo’ and picking up the tab for the photographer.
The entertainment was outstanding.  Our grateful thanks must go to Patrick Shanahan, (who just happens to be Absie’s grandson), for his superb entertainment skills – wonderful music and excellent singing voice.
Food is also an integral part of any Christmas function.  Our huge thanks to Chalet Caterers, and in particular Graham, Darryl, and Selena for the exquisite food.