An enthusiastic and willing group of club members (and partners) spent the Sunday morning picking up an assortment of paper, plastic, polystyrene, bottles, cans, bicycle parts and other items of rubbish lying on the riverbank area of Te Awa Kairangi/Hutt River.
Despite rubbish bins being placed at regular intervals along the riverbank, it would seem a lot of people choose not to use them. We covered an area from Melling to Ewen Bridges and further south to the Ava railway bridge.
The newly appointed River Ranger, Joby Mills, was most supportive of our campaign and provided us with bags, gloves, sanitizer and a variety of tools to make the task easier.
We finished the morning’s activities with a get-together over a very fine morning tea – with thanks to Diane Littlefair and Christine G.
Thanks to everyone for their help with making this project a success.
Paul Giles, E&A Committee