Over the past few weeks, here are some positives I have enjoyed during the past few weeks of the Lockdown:
- The fun of sleeping in without having to hurry up when I get up.
- The fun of counting Teddy Bears in windows when I go for a walk. Mine are on display but I really love the bears on my neighbours fence.
- Meeting and talking (at a 2 Metre distance – yes just a coffin length) to neighbours and passers by and waving to people I don’t even know and having them wave back.
- Finding wonderful local walks along the streams that lead into Waiwhetu stream. Waiwhetu stream begins in Naenae and there is some great planting by locals along the grass verges of the streams.
- The decision on Easter Friday. Could I, should I, or would I, open my Easter Egg, bottle of wine or my paint tin. All got opened but being honest two were more enjoyable than the third. However the effect of the third will still be there next Easter.
- On the 14th of April my mother would have turned 100. She loved family parties so each of our extended family bubbles raised their glasses and toasted her memory that evening.
- Ian and I are in one bubble between our two very close houses. We watched a caterpillar turn into a chrysalis yesterday. How amazing nature is. As I grow older I just seem to get more wrinkles but that fat caterpillar will soon be a beautiful butterfly.
- I really miss seeing my family and friends. Dare I say it – I will probably get fined by the Sargent when we get back to Rotary meetings whether I say I miss, or don’t miss you all – I miss the chatter and friendship of our Rotary meetings.
- Covid19 makes me realise how lucky I am to have a nice home and garden, great friends and a wonderful family.