Chair-Elect: Tony Heyward, RC of Tawa, New Zealand (D9940) Portfolio Lead: Major Fundraising and Grants: Dr Peter Rogers AM, RC of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800)
Portfolio Lead: Membership: Andy Rajapakse, RC of Burleigh Heads, QLD, Australia (D9640)
Portfolio Lead: Service Projects and Programs: Madhumita Bishnu, E-Club of Melbourne, VIC, Australia (D9800)
Rotaract Nominee: Eeshwar Rajagopalan, Rotaract Club of Subiaco/RC of Elizabeth Quay, WA, Australia (D9423)
As previously indicated, the following roles received one eligible application each, so candidates were therefore automatically elected:
Chair: Dallas Booth, RC of Turramurra, NSW, Australia (D9685)
Portfolio Lead: Public Image and Partnerships: Neil McWhannell, RC of Wahroonga, NSW, Australia (D9685)
Portfolio Lead: Learning and Development: Euan Miller, RC of Norwood, SA, Australia (D9510)
The applicants for the above roles were deemed to have the necessary skills and experience to complete their duties.
The role of Portfolio Lead: Diversity, Equity and Inclusion did not receive any eligible applications. A suitable candidate for the role will be selected once the Regional Council is in place.
The fifteen-day objection period for the Regional Council election has now begun and will end at midday on 15 November 2023 Australian Eastern Daylight Time (AEDT).
You can read an outline of the objection process here, which includes a description of what constitutes a valid objection. Please review this document carefully before submitting an objection. You will receive an email confirming the results of the election once the objection period closes.
Thank you to all clubs who voted in the Regional Council election!
Neville Parsons and Ingrid Waugh
Regionalisation Pilot Steering Group Chair and Deputy Chair