Are you an established professional who wants to make positive changes in your community and parts of the world? Our members are dedicated people who share a passion for community service and friendship. Becoming a Rotarian connects you with a diverse group who share your drive to give back.
<h1 style="color:#FEBD11;">Welcome to Eastern Hutt Rotary</h1>
Special thanks to everyone for your help with the Christmas Trailer Raffle. It was great to deliver the prizes to two very worthy winners. Congratulations to them both.
“A fight is going on inside me,” said an old man to his son. “It is a terrible fight between two wolves. One wolf is evil. He is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other wolf is good. He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith. The same fight is going on inside you.”
The son thought about it for a minute and then asked, “Which wolf will win?”
Like every year, things have been very busy for Board members – overseeing the running of the Club.
In my capacity as President, I have attended numerous meetings of the wider Rotary family.
3 Rotary Community Group meetings for Hutt Valley and Wairarapa Clubs. This is one of the new groups formed under the Regionalisation Project. It has been useful for making connections, and becoming aware of what other clubs are doing, including their successes, and problems they are facing. It is hoped that this group will further strengthen Rotary in our District.
4 meetings of the Hutt Valley Lifting the Lid on Youth Mental Health.
The District AGM, via Zoom.
District Changeover (as president-elect) with Jaye Howey and Robin Aitken.
Thank you so much to all who were able to attend our Christmas function. It was great to share time with members, partners and friends, and to enjoy fellowship and entertainment.
Of course, a Christmas function just doesn’t happen!
On Monday night we enjoyed visiting the sights of South Korea – without the cost of an airfare!!
Thanks to Jaye for sharing her travel experiences and photos taken while travelling through South Korea.
South Korea is about the same size as our North Island but has a population of 51million. Jaye commenced her journey from the capital city Seoul. The first stop was the ‘Demilitarised Zone’ on the edge of the Han River. It is an area set up specifically for tourists and many of the visitors were using long-focus lenses to gain a glimpse of the other side – ‘North Korea’. We also saw the ‘Reunification Tower’ – the South Koreans would like to find a way of merging with North Korea, however that is not a sentiment shared by the North. Another highlight of Seoul was the ‘Lotte World Tower’ – the 5th highest building in the world is a 123 story, 555m skyscraper. You travel very quickly to the top in a whisper quiet lift at 10m/sec. The views over the city and surrounding areas are stunning.
On Monday night, ESR senior scientist Rosy Moar came and gave a talk about Forensic Toxicology in New Zealand. The Environmental & Scientific Research Institute is a Crown Entity, largely funded by payment for the work it does for governmental entities. She explained about the work ESR performed – in environmental, health and forensic sectors - and its role as a Crown Research Institute. The Forensic Toxicology unit is based out in Porirua, just below the Kenepuru Hospital.