Guest Speaker - Dr Paul Young

Posted by Mike Fackney
Last Monday we were captivated by the excellent presentation from Dr Paul Young.  Paul was able to deliver, what was quite a technical subject, Intensive Care Research, in an ‘easy to understand’ format.  Paul shared how he had completed a BSc (Hons) at Victoria University of Wellington, before studying medicine at the University of Auckland.  Paul completed most of his Intensive Care Specialist training in Melbourne, before returning to Wellington where he has worked as an Intensive Care Specialist since 2010.  In 2016 he also completed a PhD in clinical research.
Guest Speaker - Dr Paul Young Mike Fackney 2025-02-11 11:00:00Z 0
Youthline Certificate of Appreciation 2025-02-11 11:00:00Z 0
Walk for Mental Health - Sunday 2 March 2025 2025-02-05 11:00:00Z 0

Bill Boyd - The Complete Rotarian

William Bernard "Bill" Boyd CNZM, QSO - 16/5/33 - 22/1/25
Bill Boyd sadly passed away peacefully on January 22nd at Hawkes Bay Hospital.
Bill was President of Rotary International in 2006/2007, only the second New Zealander to hold that position.
On 30 June 2019 Bill finally drew closure to his stellar thirty years of international service to Rotary and returned to be 'Bill Boyd - Magazine Distribution’ and member of Pakuranga Rotary.
Always by his side during his years of service has been his much adored wife Lorna.  Lorna played her part in convention break-out sessions and became a fountain of Rotary knowledge which she graciously shared with whomever and whenever the appropriate occasion rose.
The members of the Pakuranga Rotary salute Bill's work for Rotary and its many endeavours.
Bill Boyd - The Complete Rotarian 2025-01-28 11:00:00Z 0

Visit From Our District Governor Jocelyn Hogg

Posted by President Mike Fackney
It was a pleasure to receive a visit from our District Governor, Jocelyn Hogg.  Jocelyn told us that she joined Rotary in 2015 to “create opportunities for herself, to do something for others and to sense the self-fulfillment that comes in that process”.  Since then, she has been an Area Governor, and has made many trips to Vanuatu to help with rebuilding efforts following Cyclone Pam, and is now on her journey as District Governor during the regionalisation process.
Visit From Our District Governor Jocelyn Hogg President Mike Fackney 2025-01-28 11:00:00Z 0

The Passing of Bill Boyd

Posted by President Mike Fackney
It is with deep sadness that I inform you of the passing of Bill Boyd, Kathy Bryant's father. Bill was an outstanding Rotarian. He held many positions in Rotary, domestically and internationally, including that of President of Rotary International. Bill was awarded the Queens Service Order for Community Service, and made a Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit. He is a Paul Harris fellow, many times over. He will be sadly missed by his family, and Rotary family.
On your behalf, I have expressed the sincere condolences of the Club to Kathy and her family.
Mike Fackney, President
The Passing of Bill Boyd President Mike Fackney 2025-01-22 11:00:00Z 0
Stokes Valley Christmas Parade 2025-01-07 11:00:00Z 0

Rotary Christmas Raffle Winners

Special thanks to everyone for your help with the Christmas Trailer Raffle. It was great to deliver the prizes to two very worthy winners. Congratulations to them both. 
1st prize winner: Paul Harding  
2nd prize winner: Bianca Holden
Rotary Christmas Raffle Winners 2025-01-07 11:00:00Z 0

Christmas Function

Posted by Mike Fackney
Very proud Grandparents. 
Thank you so much to all who were able to attend our Christmas function.  It was great to share time with members, partners and friends, and to enjoy fellowship and entertainment.
Of course, a Christmas function just doesn’t happen!
Christmas Function Mike Fackney 2024-12-04 11:00:00Z 0

President's Christmas Message 

Posted by Mike Fackney
“A fight is going on inside me,” said an old man to his son. “It is a terrible fight between two wolves.  One wolf is evil.  He is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego. The other wolf is good.  He is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.  The same fight is going on inside you.”
The son thought about it for a minute and then asked, “Which wolf will win?”
The old man replied simply, “The one you feed.”
President's Christmas Message Mike Fackney 2024-12-03 11:00:00Z 0

Christmas Trailer Raffle 2024

Congratulations to members involved in the setting up and delivery of the trailer raffle to Queensgate last Saturday.
Thank you to everyone on the roster and giving of their time to sell the raffle tickets.  
Christmas Trailer Raffle 2024 2024-12-03 11:00:00Z 0

President's Report to Assembly/AGM – 25 November 2024

Posted by President Mike Fackney
Like every year, things have been very busy for Board members – overseeing the running of the Club.
In my capacity as President, I have attended numerous meetings of the wider Rotary family.
  • 3 Rotary Community Group meetings for Hutt Valley and Wairarapa Clubs.  This is one of the new groups formed under the Regionalisation Project.  It has been useful for making connections, and becoming aware of what other clubs are doing, including their successes, and problems they are facing.  It is hoped that this group will further strengthen Rotary in our District.
  • 4 meetings of the Hutt Valley Lifting the Lid on Youth Mental Health.
  • The District AGM, via Zoom.
  • District Changeover (as president-elect) with Jaye Howey and Robin Aitken.
President's Report to Assembly/AGM – 25 November 2024 President Mike Fackney 2024-11-26 11:00:00Z 0

South Korea Travels with Jaye Howey

Posted by Paul Giles
On Monday night we enjoyed visiting the sights of South Korea – without the cost of an airfare!!
Thanks to Jaye for sharing her travel experiences and photos taken while travelling through South Korea.
 South Korea is about the same size as our North Island but has a population of 51million.  Jaye commenced her journey from the capital city Seoul. The first stop was the ‘Demilitarised Zone’ on the edge of the Han River.  It is an area set up specifically for tourists and many of the visitors were using long-focus lenses to gain a glimpse of the other side – ‘North Korea’.  We also saw the ‘Reunification Tower’ – the South Koreans would like to find a way of merging with North Korea, however that is not a sentiment shared by the North.  Another highlight of Seoul was the ‘Lotte World Tower’ – the 5th highest building in the world is a 123 story, 555m skyscraper.  You travel very quickly to the top in a whisper quiet lift at 10m/sec. The views over the city and surrounding areas are stunning.
South Korea Travels with Jaye Howey Paul Giles 2024-11-19 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Rozy Moar - ESR Senior Scientist 

Posted by Richard Perry
On Monday night, ESR senior scientist Rosy Moar came and gave a talk about Forensic Toxicology in New Zealand. The Environmental & Scientific Research Institute is a Crown Entity, largely funded by payment for the work it does for governmental entities.  She explained about the work ESR performed – in environmental, health and forensic sectors - and its role as a Crown Research Institute.  The Forensic Toxicology unit is based out in Porirua, just below the Kenepuru Hospital.
Guest Speaker Rozy Moar - ESR Senior Scientist Richard Perry 2024-11-14 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speakers - Gary & June Stratton 

Posted by Jaye Howey
“An amazing holiday – one of our best”, was how Gary and June Stratton described their “triple treat” of travel.
On 14 May they departed from Auckland for 10 weeks, which would include a 12-day North Sea cruise on the liner Norwegian Star, a month self-driving in Scotland and England, and a 15-day European river cruise on the Emerald Destiny.
During the sea cruise, the weather was often cold, despite it being early summer, and Gary’s photos of Norway and Iceland showed snow thick on the hills that surrounded the fiords -where their liner berthed for day visits.
Guest Speakers - Gary & June Stratton Jaye Howey 2024-10-30 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Gary Lawrence: Dental Aid Project to Taveuni Island, Fiji.

Posted by Brian Clarke
Gary Lawrence, Rotary Club of Kapiti provided an update on the Rotary Volunteer Project to Taveuni and his recent visit in August this year.  This project has been in place for a number of years, Gary has been visiting Taveuni since 2010, either as a team member or more latterly as team lead. The last visit in August saw a team of three dentists (including Gary); a chair-side assistant; hygienist; and an assistant.
Guest Speaker - Gary Lawrence: Dental Aid Project to Taveuni Island, Fiji. Brian Clarke 2024-10-15 11:00:00Z 0
Rotary Exchange to Woodstock, New Hampshire Mike Fackney 2024-10-08 11:00:00Z 0

Patrick McKibbin -  Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce 

Posted by John Matthews
Patrick McKibbin from the Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce gave us an update and review of what business is up to in the Valley, both Upper and Lower Hutt.   It was very refreshing to hear that there is a lot going on out there in business.  As he quoted, "you don't know what's going on behind these roller doors around the Valley".
Patrick McKibbin - Hutt Valley Chamber of Commerce John Matthews 2024-10-01 11:00:00Z 0

Environment Committee Riverbank Cleanup Sunday 29th September

Posted by Paul Giles
On a mild and sunny Sunday morning our group of thirteen collected an assortment of paper, plastic, bottles, cans, polystyrene (and a bike) lying on the banks of the Hutt River between Melling and Ava Railway Bridges.  We finished (as is the tradition) with a get–together over a very fine morning tea.  Thanks to everyone for their help with making this project a success once again.
Environment Committee Riverbank Cleanup Sunday 29th September Paul Giles 2024-10-01 11:00:00Z 0

Hamish Campbell -  The Geological Shaping  of Wellington Harbour

Posted by David Gledhill
Hamish is a Geologist and Emeritus Scientist at GNS Science with a continuing involvement with Geology and an interest in History.  Born in Christchurch and brought up and educated in Dunedin with a scholarship to Cambridge he has had a distinguished career with GNS which included being seconded to Te Papa where he wrote the concept for the Awesome Forces exhibition (1998-2019), one of the highlights of the museum.  Hamish now spends time at GNS and leads educational trips.
Hamish Campbell - The Geological Shaping of Wellington Harbour David Gledhill 2024-09-25 12:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Hospice - Vintners' Lunch 

Posted by Paul Giles
The Vintners' Lunch event is Te Omanga Hospice's biggest annual fundraiser. This is the first time that we, as a club, have assisted the Hospice with this event.  Saturday was setting tables and decorating the venue in preparation for the big day on Sunday.  We then returned late on Sunday afternoon to assist with packing everything away.
Over time, we have given a helping hand to the hospice in a variety of ways and this was another opportunity to build on the relationship that we have developed with them.
Te Omanga Hospice - Vintners' Lunch Paul Giles 2024-09-18 12:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Josh Briggs, CEO Vibe 

Posted by Glenda Barratt
Kia ora Koutou - nau mai haere mai
Josh Briggs apart from being a City Councillor, is the acting CEO of Vibe.  Josh took over the role four months ago having previously served as Vibe's Business and Transformational Lead for a period of 12 months.  Vibe proudly supports many areas of the community encompassing young people and their families.  Having been in business since 1996 there are now many organisations in the city that support young people but Vibe is the only "one stop shop" for young people who face all manner of trauma and indecision in their lives.
Guest Speaker - Josh Briggs, CEO Vibe Glenda Barratt 2024-09-16 12:00:00Z 0

Repair of Te Omanga Hospice Playhouse 

Posted by Paul Giles
Barrie, Gary and Paul recently repaired the damaged roof on the children’s playhouse at Te Omanga Hospice.  A big thank you to Annie Matthews for kindly providing the roofing materials by way of a donation from Placemakers.  Rachel Brandt, Volunteers Manager at Te Omanga Hospice has written to say thank you so much for all your hard work and time, so very much appreciated.
Repair of Te Omanga Hospice Playhouse Paul Giles 2024-09-13 12:00:00Z 0
Taita College Music Showcase Kathy Bryant 2024-09-12 12:00:00Z 0

Mike Keehan - Our South African Safari 

Posted by Kathy Bryant
This week we had the pleasure of hearing from our very own Mike Keehan.
In May, Mike and his wife Jenny were part of a golf tour group that travelled to South Africa. They spent time in Johannesburg, played golf and did a safari tour in Kruger National Park.
Mike Keehan - Our South African Safari Kathy Bryant 2024-09-11 12:00:00Z 0

Riverbank Cleanup 

Posted by Paul Giles
A reminder for those members taking part in the Hutt River clean up.  
Sunday 29th September - 10am.
Where: Hutt riverbank carpark, Andrew’s Ave entrance
Area covered: from Ava rail bridge to Melling Bridge (depending on volunteer numbers)
The River Ranger will provide gloves, bags and some pick-up tools.
If you want to assist please contact Paul on 021 673137
Morning tea will be provided, please bring your own hot drink.    
Riverbank Cleanup  Paul Giles 2024-09-04 12:00:00Z 0

Lifting the Lid on Youth Mental Health 

Dave Appleyard, Jane Mitchell, David Shackleton, Bill Day
This team of very experienced and distinguished Rotarians, Past Presidents all, introduced a new project to our club.  It is regrettable but true that our national health service is over stretched and as a result there are long waiting lists, and therefore long waits, for almost all non-life-threatening conditions, especially in mental health.  This is especially true for young people, where long delays in treatment can have permanent results both for them and for others.  The "Lifting the Lid" programme recognises this reality and aims to bridge these gaps in our health system.  The project is aimed at secondary schools and ultimately all schools.  It is started by a group of Rotary Clubs in an area setting up a small committee and liaising with local schools.
Lifting the Lid on Youth Mental Health  David Gledhill 2024-08-28 12:00:00Z 0

Deborah Olasoju: My Journey Through Innovative Young Minds

Posted by David Gledhill
What was intended as one person’s journey through a Rotary organised course turned out to be a chapter in a much much larger journey.  Deborah is a year 12 student at Naenae College.  She was sponsored by our club to take part in the Innovation Challenge for Young Women.  There were eighty participants, including three from Naenae College and Deborah described this residential course.
Deborah Olasoju: My Journey Through Innovative Young Minds David Gledhill 2024-08-26 12:00:00Z 0

Deborah Olasoju (IYM Participant) and her Parents, Olamide & Kenny

Posted by President Mike
Last Monday evening we had the pleasure of hearing from the delightful Olasoju family.  Deborah, eloquently told of her experience attending IYM, backed up with PowerPoint slides.  She enthusiastically describing in detail the activities which she and other participants were involved in, while staying at the Silverstream Retreat.  Visits included to Victoria University’s Ferrier Research Institute, Otago University at Wellington Hospital where the participants learnt suturing, CPR, and protein testing, Weta FX, and Parliament. 
Deborah Olasoju (IYM Participant) and her Parents, Olamide & Kenny President Mike 2024-08-21 12:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Tony Heyward 

Posted by President Mike
On Monday evening we had the pleasure of having Tony Heyward, Deputy Chair of Rotary Zone 8 Regional Council, talk about the new Regionalisation Pilot. There are only two regions carrying out this Pilot. The other region is UK & Ireland.
The prime reason for the Pilot is “to reverse the decline in membership and increase the reach and impact of Rotary and Rotaract in Zone 8”. Zone 8 includes New Zealand, Australia, and other South Pacific nations.
Guest Speaker Tony Heyward President Mike 2024-08-15 12:00:00Z 0
Group Walk Whitireia Park Big Loop Track 2024-08-08 12:00:00Z 0

Ian Ferguson, A Sporting Life

Posted by David Gledhill
Ian has a most amazing c.v. Four Gold Medals, NZ Olympian of the Century, M.B.E., National Surf Life Saving Champion, four times N Z Ironman et many als.  Still very trim and fit at 72 Ian gave an outline of his achievements and his beliefs.  Quiet spoken but very, very determined Ian has always been fiercely competitive, energetic and ambitious.
Ian Ferguson, A Sporting Life David Gledhill 2024-07-30 12:00:00Z 0


To coincide with the start of the Paris Olympics, we have been very fortunate, at short notice, to have Olympian Ian Ferguson, speak to Rotary this Monday evening, 29 July.
Ian Ferguson, MBE
- New Zealand's 2nd most successful Olympian, attending 5 Olympics, winning 4 golds, and 1 silver
- NZ Sportsman of the Year
 -Multiple winner of Ironman, Surf Lifesaving, Surf Ski
Consequently, Monday evening will be a family/friends meeting.
Because of the likelihood of higher attendance numbers on Monday evening with Ian Ferguson, our caterers require earlier notice of numbers. Accordingly please would you inform Christine Meredith on 0210674592 or, by Midday Friday if you will be attending, and the number of any family/friends who will be attending.
If you are not attending, also let Christine know.
OLYMPIAN IAN FERGUSON SPEAKING TO CLUB - Monday 29 July 2024-07-24 12:00:00Z 0

Wendy Hill - Guest Speaker

Our guest speaker this week was Wendy Hill, Manager/Trustee of Greenstone Doors.
Wendy established Greenstone Doors Charitable Trust, a safe place to talk 10 years ago when working in the sector and saw the need to provide support for women and their whanau through pregnancy.
Wendy Hill - Guest Speaker 2024-07-23 12:00:00Z 0

Guest Speakers - Mike Jillings and Anne Schumacher: Dementia Wellington

Posted by David Gledhill
Most of us will know someone who suffers from dementia and Anne, Chief Executive and Mike, Hutt Dementia advisor, gave a brief but clear explanation of what it can be, and what can be done to help those suffering it.
Dementia is "a decline in cognitive functions".  Symptoms can include decline in: memory, reasoning, performing daily functions and a change in personality. 
Guest Speakers - Mike Jillings and Anne Schumacher: Dementia Wellington David Gledhill 2024-07-15 12:00:00Z 0


Posted by Mike Fackney
From the President
It was great to experience our Changeover with members, partners and friends.  A highlight was to see Absie receive his well-earned Paul Harris Award.  We were entertained by a young talented guitarist (Theo Thompson), and were treated to a fabulous meal thanks to Chalet Catering, Graham and staff.  Special thanks go to John and Ron for organizing such a great evening.  We are also grateful for John’s leadership during the past year. Thank you, John, for your time and effort.
Absie Crook receiving his PHF Award
Changeover Mike Fackney 2024-07-03 12:00:00Z 0

Club Forum

Posted by John Matthews
On Monday evening we had the last Club Forum under my presidency.  Each committee director read out their teams latest activities and highlights of the last 12 months.  Where has that time gone? 
Here is a round up of the year's activities: 
Club Forum John Matthews 2024-06-27 12:00:00Z 0

Dementia Garden at Woburn Presbyterian Home 

Posted by Annette Ruck
An updated photo of the Dementia Garden at the Woburn Presbyterian Home showing the autumn colours sent to us by Catharina & Andrew Fisher thanking our club members again and Mary Housten for their great work in establishing the garden last year in memory of Richard Housten.   
Dementia Garden at Woburn Presbyterian Home Annette Ruck 2024-06-20 12:00:00Z 0

Mike Fackney - Ethiopia Trip

Posted by David Gledhill
More Adventures from our Intrepid Rotarian
In March 2022 Mike was planning to spend three weeks in Ethiopia and then move on to Uganda but then Covid hit.  As a result we were shown around parts of a country none of the rest of us are ever likely to visit.  Coffee is believed to have originated in Ethiopia, where they drink it thick and sweet and after such a coffee Mike's adventures began.  
Mike Fackney - Ethiopia Trip David Gledhill 2024-06-17 12:00:00Z 0

Healthy in the Hutt 2024

Posted by Shelley Bryant
This year's Healthy in the Hutt was the best attended event since our rotary club has been running it.  We had over 30 stands and lots of people coming through seeking information and taking the opportunity to have their health checked.  Even the sun had the decency to shine!
A massive thanks to Mike, Paul and Chris Giles, Robin, Absie, Tony and Jenny Cornelius, my Paul and Brian Klee.  They enabled the event to run smoothly by helping in the lead up to the event plus being there and helping on the day.  A further thanks to all of you who donated goods for the draw.  I had enough products to fill 2 baskets so we had 2 draws!
Thank you Jaye for popping in to take photos. 
Thanks to Julia Milne who made the delicious chunky vegetable soup and to Countdown Upper Hutt for the rolls and boxes of fruit.
Lastly, thanks to the staff at Walter Nash who helped us with the set up and then had a major clean up job after the event.  This event makes a huge difference to the community and it's exciting to see a number of people who now come regularly each year.  The cost to run this event to the Club is minimal thanks to the support of Countdown, Julia and the Walter Nash Stadium who provides the venue for free.
Healthy in the Hutt which is run annually at the Walter Nash Stadium is an outstanding success in the way it informs people about health providers, wellness and keeping safe.  It makes a huge difference.
Healthy in the Hutt 2024 Shelley Bryant 2024-06-16 12:00:00Z 0

Presentation of Usborne Dictionaries

Posted by Jaye Howey
I recently presented Usborne Dictionaries to year 4 students at Taita Central School and St Michaels School. The dictionaries were very well received by the students. 
Taita Central School with Principal Michelle Picard
St Michael's School
Presentation of Usborne Dictionaries Jaye Howey 2024-06-13 12:00:00Z 0

Quiz/Auction Fundraiser

Posted by Mike Keehan
Last Friday’s quiz/auction evening raised nearly $6000 for the Wellington Free Ambulance and was regarded as a successful and entertaining event, with 103 people in attendance.  There was spirited bidding for the auction items, led by Quiz master and Auctioneer, Ray Wallace. Prizes were awarded to the top two teams. Thanks to all who assisted and supported this fundraising project.
Winners - Bob Scott + 1
Runners Up - Westhill 
Quiz/Auction Fundraiser Mike Keehan 2024-06-10 12:00:00Z 0
King's Birthday - No Meeting  2024-06-06 12:00:00Z 0

Paul Swain - Life After Politics

Paul was our Labour M.P. from 1990 to 2008 and a Cabinet Minister between 1999 and 2005.  His address was on what he has been doing since his parliamentary career ended.  It, his parliamentary career, ended on a high note, as he quoted John Major, Prime Minister of Britain, "Better to go when they want you to stay than to stay when they want you to go".  Paul's address was in two parts.
Part 1: "What I have done in my spare time".
Part 2: "What I have been doing" since 2008."
Paul Swain - Life After Politics David Gledhill 2024-05-28 12:00:00Z 0

Paul Littlefair - A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Posted by David Gledhill
"The old order changeth, giving place to new..."
The last visiting speaker we had was the son of one of our members and showed how very much technology had progressed in the space of one generation and this night we had another, similarly impressive example.  Paul gave a very clear and comprehensible explanation of what AI is, and where it fits in the development of computers.
Paul Littlefair - A Brief Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) David Gledhill 2024-05-22 12:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Hospice Collection at Queensgate  

I have received the following note from Rebecca Routhan from Te Omanga Hospice -  
"To the dream team of Rotary Club of Eastern Hutt
Your support for us is incredible.  Thank you for pulling a great crew together for our annual Te Omanga Hospice Street Appeal and managing them on the day.  We know this takes a great deal of coordination and time and to have this support from you is appreciated. 
We are delighted to announce that in total we have raised $38,175.57!
Te Omanga Hospice Collection at Queensgate 2024-05-19 12:00:00Z 0

The Local Real Estate Market

Posted by President John Matthews
We have all noticed the proliferation of newly built or building town houses all over Lower Hutt, and wondered who was buying them.  John gave us the answer: no-one! Too many of them are being built too close together and are too small.  No owner wants them built next door, cutting out their sun, and almost no one wants to buy them as they are too small, lack garages and gardens and often have too little sun themselves.  Furthermore they often lack parking and being two or three storeys, are unsuitable for the retirement market.  Many developers, having built or in the process of still building them are letting them, or turning them into BnBs and one Christchurch based developer which built many and once employed twenty agents in the Wellington area now employs only one. 
The Local Real Estate Market President John Matthews 2024-05-16 12:00:00Z 0

Ray Tomlinson - Guest Speaker 

Ray Tomlinson, JT Group, Site Solution Specialists
Imagine being in at the birth of a world-wide success story. This is how we felt on the night.  Our most senior member, Joe Tomlinson, coming from Glasgow to New Zealand sixty three years ago started a painting company.  Known for its integrity, quality and value it grew over the years and later developed a house washing offshoot.  Joe's son, Ray, joined that offshoot and has turned it into the largest commercial building cleanwashing company in New Zealand, and a company that literally leads the world in its revolutionary technology. 
Ray Tomlinson - Guest Speaker David Gledhill 2024-04-30 12:00:00Z 0
Fundraising Quiz Night Jan Palmer 2024-04-29 12:00:00Z 0

Lower Hutt City Council Long Term Plan 

Posted by David Gledhill
Councillor Simon Edwards - Lower Hutt's 10 Year Plan                             
Because Lower Hutt residents are facing a 16.9% rates rise the councillors are attending every group and event and meeting that they can to explain the reasons.  Simon was standing in for another councillor at short notice but gave a very clear and well explained exposition of the situation. All councils are required to have a ten year budget plan reviewed every three years.  This is important as the city needs to plan for the future, particularly as the population is projected to grow from 113000 to over 140000. 
Lower Hutt City Council Long Term Plan David Gledhill 2024-04-24 12:00:00Z 0

Anzac Day 2024

Posted by Glenda Barratt
Today I was a proud member of the thousands of people who stood together to remember and pay tribute to the men and women who fought for our country.  Some of those brave soldiers gave their lives and some returned home to their loved ones never to forget what and who they had left behind.  We were asked to give thought to the morning of the 25th April 1915 when Australian and New Zealand troops landed under fire at Gallipoli.  It was then and in the battles that followed that the ANZAC tradition was formed.
Anzac Day 2024 Glenda Barratt 2024-04-24 12:00:00Z 0

Spruce up of the Small Pavilion in Avalon Park

Posted by Annette Ruck
On the 26th of July 2012 Eastern Hutt Rotary Club donated a small pavilion with a table and three solid wooden bench seats to Avalon Park.  Over the last 12 years the pavilion had become a bit weather beaten and dirty so our Community and Environment Committee decided to give it a freshen up.  Joe Tomlinson’s son Ray who owns a water blasting firm did a great job to clean the pavilion and surrounding concrete.
Barrie Littlefair who convenes the committee is a member of the Days Bay Menz Shed so he volunteered to restore the furniture.   In order to leave one seat in the pavilion for public use at all times it required three trips to Days Bay to transport the seats.  This was done by Paul Giles and Annette Ruck’s partner Ian Dopson and stepson Ian McFadden.  The pavilion is now back to its former glory and is being well used by members of the public both young and old who visit the park. It is a great example of rotary action in our local community. 
Spruce up of the Small Pavilion in Avalon Park Annette Ruck 2024-04-17 12:00:00Z 0

Rotary Friendship Exchange Visit from District 6840

Posted by Mike Fackney
Last Monday evening we had the pleasure to meet members of Rotary District 6840 in the USA.  This was a reciprocal visit, after Eastern Hutt Rotary members visited their district just prior to the onset of Covid.
Karen Babin from the Rotary Club of Metairie, who is leading the group, introduced a pictorial slide show, and started by speaking about their District, then introducing the other members.
Rotary District 6840, unites the diverse cultures of Southeast Louisiana and South Mississippi.  The district includes communities from just west of the Mississippi River at New Orleans to the Mississippi/Alabama state line.
Rotary Friendship Exchange Visit from District 6840 Mike Fackney 2024-04-10 12:00:00Z 0

Fashion Parade to Raise Money for the Lower Hutt Foodbank 

On Tuesday 26 March several of our members and were models for our very successful fundraising event at Ballentynes in Lower Hutt to raise money for the Lower Hutt Foodbank. Thank you Jaye, Anne, Judy, June, Jenny and Robyn. You were all great. A special thank you too to Mike Keehan and his committee for arranging the event.  
Fashion Parade to Raise Money for the Lower Hutt Foodbank 2024-04-04 11:00:00Z 0

Rebecca Routhan - Te Omanga Hospice

Posted by David Gledhill
Rebecca is the Community and Events Programme Manager at Te Omanga Hospice.  Our club had worked with Rebecca as she organised the recent charity golf tournament and she gave an outline of what organising the tournament involved, of the wider work of Te Omanga and the need for funds.  Rebecca was born in the Hutt Valley and was once a primary school teacher before she joined Te Omanga, and had an interest in the performing arts.  In spite of this background she professed to be nervous as this was the first address of this nature she had given, but her concern was unmerited as she gave a very fluent and interesting account of the tournament's organisation and the wider issue of working with the community. 
Rebecca Routhan - Te Omanga Hospice David Gledhill 2024-04-04 11:00:00Z 0

Walk For Mental Health 2024

Posted by Shelley Bryant
On March the 10th our fourth Walk for Mental Health was held.  We had a stunning day for the walk, sunny and very little wind.  Approximately 70 walkers turned up for the event, a similar amount to last year.  We had good support from a couple of the other Rotary Clubs which is great to see plus attendance from members of the Tenths Trust and their families.
Walk For Mental Health 2024 Shelley Bryant 2024-03-12 11:00:00Z 0

Alps2Ocean Trail - Ride February 2024

Several members recently rode the Alps2 Ocean Trail, a distance of over 300 kms. Congratulations Tony and Jenny Cornelius , Paul and Christine Giles, John Cole and Mike Fackney.  Great effort team!  
Alps2Ocean Trail - Ride February 2024 Jan Palmer 2024-03-06 11:00:00Z 0

Letter of thanks from Te Omanga Hospice

The following is an extract from a letter received from Rebecca Routhan, Community and Events Programme Manager, Te Omanga Hospice - 
"To our fabulous 2024 Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament volunteers,
We can’t thank you enough for the work you did for us to help pull off one big, successful tournament!
Whether you were in the set up/pack down crew, working during the tournament or entertaining our players, the part everyone played was hugely important and immensely appreciated. What a fabulous team effort.
As a result of your generosity, we have been able to minimise expenses, maximising our fundraising total. The total raised is now $73,530!
It’s a record-breaking golf fundraiser for us which will make a huge difference to families we care for.
I hope you enjoyed yourselves and got to meet some new people while volunteering for us. 
I look forward to working with you again soon."
Letter of thanks from Te Omanga Hospice Jan Palmer 2024-02-29 11:00:00Z 0
Helping out at Yesterday's Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament 2024-02-23 11:00:00Z 0

Mike Fackney: Antarctica Expedition

"A huge experience in every way" was how Mike described both his experience and Antarctica itself. For example the South Pole is 2441 km South West of Tierra Del Fuego, the Southern tip of South America.  Mike's trip was on a former Scandinavian ferry organised by G Adventures who proved most pleasant and efficient.  Accommodation was in a four berth cabin with just one other person, even though he had paid for only a two berth cabin.  The food was superb and the staff, largely Filipino crew with European officers very friendly and helpful.  The trip from South America to the Weddell Sea took two and a half days.  
Mike Fackney: Antarctica Expedition 2024-02-19 11:00:00Z 0

Repeated - Colin Fenton - The Improvements in Cataract Surgery Over the Years

Posted by David Gledhill
"The devil is in the detail", but so is the interest. Most of us know someone who has had to get their cataracts "done" but few of us had appreciated how much modern surgery has advanced.  Even fewer would have heard of Harold Wrigley and how he transformed the process of "doing".  Before modern surgery nothing could be done when a person developed cataracts.  As recently as 1950 cataract operations became possible but would still involve the patient (or victim) going to the hospital the day before surgery, fasting and then having a general anaesthetic the operation, and spending seven days lying on their back, blindfold and waiting a further three months before having appropriate glasses prescribed.
Repeated - Colin Fenton - The Improvements in Cataract Surgery Over the Years David Gledhill 2024-02-12 11:00:00Z 0

Colin Fenton - The Improvements in Cataract Surgery Over the Years

Posted by David Gledhill
"The devil is in the detail", but so is the interest. Most of us know someone who has had to get their cataracts "done" but few of us had appreciated how much modern surgery has advanced.  Even fewer would have heard of Harold Wrigley and how he transformed the process of "doing".  Before modern surgery nothing could be done when a person developed cataracts.  As recently as 1950 cataract operations became possible but would still involve the patient (or victim) going to the hospital the day before surgery, fasting and then having a general anaesthetic the operation, and spending seven days lying on their back, blindfold and waiting a further three months before having appropriate glasses prescribed.
Colin Fenton - The Improvements in Cataract Surgery Over the Years David Gledhill 2024-02-03 11:00:00Z 0

Christmas Raffle Winners

Gabriel King-Turner - First Prize Winner
Jan Fraser - Second Prize Winner
Congratulations to you both.
Christmas Raffle Winners 2024-01-11 11:00:00Z 0

Last Meeting of the Year 

The workers Ron and Tony who organised the annual "fish & chip" night, with President John who wished everyone a safe and happy Christmas.  John also warned everyone that 11 December was the day most people separate so could everyone please get on with family over the holiday period and please all agree to disagree.   
Last Meeting of the Year 2023-12-12 11:00:00Z 0

Dylan Davey - Science & Technology Forum Candidate 

Posted by Kathy Bryant
Last Monday Robin Aitken and I attended the Rotary Club of Upper Hutt Christmas dinner and had a chance to meet Dylan Davey (the student we are co-sponsoring to the Rotary National Science and Technology Forum, being held in Auckland in January).  We also met his parents and brother.
Dylan did a great presentation, telling us how he moved to New Zealand from South Africa when he was nine and went to Silverstream Primary school, Ferguson Intermediate and is now a student at St Patrick's Silverstream.  He spoke about how he became interested in sport (in particular rugby) and then in Year 9 at school he developed a passion for science.  Dylan has recently been appointed as Deputy Head Boy for 2024 at school.
I think Dylan will be a fantastic candidate to represent us at the forum and we look forward to hearing from him after he has attended.
Dylan Davey - Science & Technology Forum Candidate Kathy Bryant 2023-12-12 11:00:00Z 0

President John's Christmas Wishes

President John welcomed members and guests to our Christmas function and provided "food for thought" with his speech at the end of the evening -
"2023 will go down as the year of the 'Cost of Living Crisis'.
But we need to remember the grass is not greener on the other side. Many many countries around the world are experiencing the same situation.
The UK inflation rate is currently 4.6% (down from 11% in January)
Aussie is 5.4% (down from 8%)
The US is currently 3.2% (down from 7%)
And NZ is 5.6% at the moment. (Down from a 7.8% high) 
Mortgage repayments for many are the big struggle with some experiencing hundreds of dollars increase per week as interest rates have risen continuously. 
President John's Christmas Wishes 2023-12-03 11:00:00Z 0

Stokes Valley Santa Parade 

A group of our members assisted River Valley Rotary Club with traffic management at the Stokes Valley Santa Parade last Saturday.
Santa's helpers - missing are June & Gary Stratton. 
Santa's float broke down and had to be pushed by two burly firemen! 
Stokes Valley Santa Parade 2023-12-02 11:00:00Z 0

Oranga Tamariki and Children's Rights Proceedings

Posted by David Gledhill
Laura Barry and her business partner Samantha Brennan gave us an insight into the complex issue, fraught with  political issues, of the care of children at risk. Both have been involved in this field for some time and their firm, Tiaki Family Law, has the priorities of care, conserve and protect in disputes involving  the care and protection of children. 
Oranga Tamariki and Children's Rights Proceedings David Gledhill 2023-11-30 11:00:00Z 0

Sustainable Development and helping Nepal

Posted by David Gledhill
As well as being a wife, mother, Deputy Mayor of Upper Hutt and Co-ordinator of the Jackson Street programme, our guest speaker, Helen Swales is also a member of the Business and Professional Women's Association, which has 130 clubs worldwide, but has flown under the radar for most of us.  BPW believes in the 17 goals of the United Nations and is particularly concerned with the rights and welfare of women and children who are so often the ones who suffer most in a human crisis.  She gave the case of the massive 2015 earthquake in Nepal as an example of their community projects.  After the earthquake of  Saturday, 25 April there were 9000 dead, 22000 badly injured.
Sustainable Development and helping Nepal David Gledhill 2023-11-15 11:00:00Z 0

Zone 8 Regional Council Election Results

Rotary Zone 8 Regionalisation Pilot
Dear Club President or Secretary,

Clubs throughout Zone 8 have had their say, and the results of the first Zone 8 Regional Council election are now in!

Here is the list of candidates clubs have chosen to lead and represent our Zone starting from 1 January 2024:

Zone 8 Regional Council Election Results 2023-11-08 11:00:00Z 0
Committees Met 2023-11-05 11:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Leadership Nomination (RYLA) 

The Youth Committee is very pleased to announce that Ethan Rawhiti Hotter has been selected as our 2024 RYLA Nominee.  Ethan is a talented Hutt Valley musician.  He has completed two years of a classical music performance degree on piano at Victoria University.  He regularly shares his love of music at venues such as the Lower Hutt Chopin Club and Lunchtime Concerts at St Andrews.  Recently he accompanied the Filipino Choir in their community concerts.  He is excited to be nominated to attend RYLA 2024.
Rotary Youth Leadership Nomination (RYLA)  2023-10-30 11:00:00Z 0

Janice Swan - Sort Out Service - Guest Speaker 

Posted by David Gledhill
Janice learned the hard way, from experience.  After living in different countries and moving homes several times, including once just after  her husband had been killed in a motorcycle accident just ten days after they had moved into a new home Janice knew the problems and difficulties of moving, particularly for people in a vulnerable situation.  She used her experience to help friends and others informally for seven years and then decided to do it professionally and started her own company, Sort Out Service. 
Janice Swan - Sort Out Service - Guest Speaker David Gledhill 2023-10-30 11:00:00Z 0

Enliven Garden in Memory of Richard Housten

Posted by Annette Ruck
The garden project undertaken  by our club at The Enliven Retirement Village Dementia Unit on behalf of a generous grant by Mary Housten in  memory of her late husband Richard who was a  member of our club is now complete.  Three colourful Totem poles and a sign which says Richards' Garden are now in place.  I have been told by several people that the garden is really very much enjoyed by residents, staff and visitors.
A big thank you to all of the people who helped with this very successful project.  
Enliven Garden in Memory of Richard Housten Annette Ruck 2023-10-30 11:00:00Z 0

Youth Committee Fundraiser

The Youth Committee held a fundraising dinner at Forbidden City last Tuesday, 24 October.   A great time was had by all.  Congratulations to Christine and Errol, the raffle winners. Thank you Eve and her team for your hard work in arranging this very successful event.  
Youth Committee Fundraiser 2023-10-26 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speakers - Brian Kirtian and Mark Nicholson - Riverlink Project 

Included in the photograph is Campbell Barry, Mayor of Lower Hutt and Hellen Swales, Deputy Mayor of Upper Hutt.
The River Link is a major project with three aims: to protect the Hutt from a 400 year flood, to improve the traffic flow into Lower Hutt and to re-orientate the Central Hutt to make more of its river frontage.  It involves an area from the Ewen Bridge to the Kennedy-Good Bridge.
Brian Kirtian and Mark Nicholson explained some of the major issues in the scheme which involves Taranaki  Atiawa, Ngati Toa, Hutt City, Wellington Regional Council and Waka Kotahi.
Guest Speakers - Brian Kirtian and Mark Nicholson - Riverlink Project 2023-10-22 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Brock Shute, Mortgage Advice Company 

Posted by David Gledhill
Although born in Australia Brock is not a 501 but a good New Zealand citizen with a wife and three children.  After taking a B.Com. at Victoria University he had a career in finance before becoming self-employed and starting his own company.  He now employs four more mortgage advisers and some ancilliary staff.  In Australia 70% of mortgages are arranged through a broker and he is sure the same will soon apply here.
Guest Speaker - Brock Shute, Mortgage Advice Company David Gledhill 2023-10-12 11:00:00Z 0
Committees Met 2023-10-04 11:00:00Z 0

Chase the Candidates Election Quiz

President John ran a quiz to see how much we knew about the upcoming election. The answer sheet above shows some people have a way to go. Congratulations to Kathy Bryant who achieved the highest score. 
Chase the Candidates Election Quiz 2023-09-28 11:00:00Z 0

Function at Te Omanga Hospice

Last evening President John attended a function at the Te Omanga Hospice to thank all those people and organisations for their generosity over the last couple of years in giving donations and their time to the Hospice.   There was a great turn out and a good networking opportunity for everyone in attendance. 
Function at Te Omanga Hospice John Matthews 2023-09-21 12:00:00Z 0

Mike Fackney - Guest Speaker 

Posted by David Gledhill
Mike Fackney:  Much Travelled Man
Mike had wanted to go to Malawi but a planned eight day tour had been cancelled because of Covid, and so, after two days in Kampala he eventually joined a tour party that went through Rwanda, Zambia, Tanzania, Columbia and Uganda.  With excellent photographs Mike took us on the tour. 
Mike Fackney - Guest Speaker David Gledhill 2023-09-18 12:00:00Z 0

Hutt Riverbank Clean Up

Posted by Annette Ruck
Last weekend a group from our club took part in our annual Hutt City river bank cleanup.  Despite the strong wind challenges and the Hutt Valley annual marathon adding some interest we managed to clear between the Melling bridge and the Ava railway bridge.
The rubbish collected included everything from small pieces of paper to a partially buried suitcase.   We finished with a very social morning tea which included sausage rolls, small meat pies, buttered loaf, muffins and cake.  It was another successful river bank cleanup and thanks go to all who were able to come and help.
Hutt Riverbank Clean Up Annette Ruck 2023-09-18 12:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Ava Szabo - Montessori School

Posted on Sep 14, 2023
Ava gave us a thought provoking insight into a type of school very different to the current standard system.  Certain it is that many of our students are failing under the present state system as evidenced by alarming truancy statistics and falling standards in international standardised tests.  Ava started a Montessori School in Waddington Drive/Rata Street earlier this century and it has now grown to 270 students, 160 primary, 110 secondary. Overall 17% of students are Maori, 60% European, and there are very few Pacifica, but there are now higher figures for Maori, Asian and Pacifica among the younger students, reflecting the changing demography of the area.
Guest Speaker - Ava Szabo - Montessori School David Gledhill 2023-09-13 12:00:00Z 0

Jan's trip to her son's wedding 

The day I arrived in London I acted as witness to my son Jordan and Liz's wedding at the Hackney Town Hall. This was the official ceremony. Two days later we headed to Santorini in Greece for the second ceremony. 
Jan's trip to her son's wedding Jan Palmer 2023-09-13 12:00:00Z 0

Local Triumph over Adversity

Posted by David Gledhill
St Bernards First XI Football
Still keeping it in the family, sort of, this week's address was by  Paul Olsthoorn, the son-in-law of Paddy Wells, one of our distinguished members.
Paul, with his wife Melissa, coach the St Bernard's First X1 Football Team.  (It could also be termed the last St Bernards football X1 as it is the one and only).  Last year it triumphed over enormous odds.  Paul has always been keen on football.  He started playing at age eleven, played 100 games for Petone, and was Player of the Year for the Central League in 1992.  After retiring from playing he turned to refereeing and then to coaching at St Bernards.  In 2022 St Bernards won the National Schools Football Tournament, by penalty shoot-out, even though it was ranked only ninth of the nineteen teams competing.  In itself this was remarkable, but to do it after overcoming three major challenges was inspiring.
Local Triumph over Adversity David Gledhill 2023-08-23 12:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Hospice recent newsletter photo

This photo appeared in a recent Te Omanga Hospice newsletter under the heading "Shout Out To Our Community"
The caption read -  
"Our beautifully painted fence at the hospice! Thanks to the team from Eastern Hutt Rotary for your amazing work and on-going support." 
Great work team!! 
Te Omanga Hospice recent newsletter photo 2023-08-17 12:00:00Z 0

June Stratton - Guest Speaker 

Posted by David Gledhill
The New Zealand Company
Never has the truism that many of our best addresses have come from our own members been more applicable.  June gave us a fascinating account of Wellington's founding by the New Zealand Company and corrected many of the inacuracies still perpetuated in current history books. While in UK recently June and Gary undertook original research in museums, churches and cemeteries in London, Somerset and Edinburgh as well as their own family records.  From these sources June gave some illuminating details not only of Gary's family but also of the conditions in England in the 1830s.  Gary's family history goes back six generations from when one Thomas Stratton came out on a NZC emigrant ship landing in Wellington in 15 March, 1841.
June Stratton - Guest Speaker David Gledhill 2023-08-16 12:00:00Z 0

IYM Feedback

The following email has been received from Monique Waring from IYM - 
"On behalf of IYM, I'd like to sincerely thank your Rotary Club for supporting the work of IYM once again through sponsoring a student.  The programme was highly successful with participants going away inspired by what their future career in STEMM could look like.  We'll be sending you a full programme report in mid-August, in the meantime I've attached a small sample of the feedback we've received from this year's participants.  You can see the positive impact IYM has on them, not just for future career planning, but also on their self-confidence and self-belief". 
Click on the link below to read the feedback from some of the participants.
IYM Feedback 2023-08-10 12:00:00Z 0

Emergency Response Kits 

Stuart Batty, Executive Director, RNZWCS reports that as we move forward to yet another Cyclone Season across the pacific,  rotary has updated the Emergency Response Kit Brochure notably including that the activity has run more than 45 years and since 2009 some 10,886 Kits have been distributed.  This activity continues with support of Rotary Clubs, Rotarians and supporters.  
Emergency Response Kits 2023-08-09 12:00:00Z 0

Honorary Membership presented to Brian Klee by President John

Brian has been a member of Eastern Hutt Rotary since February 2018.  Prior to that he was a member and Past President of Courtney Place Rotary, from 1997.  So Brian has committed a huge amount of time and energy over 26 years of being a Rotarian.  His relentless efforts attempting to get the Satellite Club group up and running was greatly appreciated - a lot of challenging work with all sorts of barriers, not the least the Covid lockdowns.  His contribution while at Eastern Hutt has included all things focused on our Club's image, i.e. the Website, weekly Bulletin, Club Duties, and so much more.  Brian's contribution to this Club has been immense and very much appreciated by us all.  It is with great pleasure that I present this certificate and congratulate you on the position of Honorary Member of Eastern Hutt Rotary Club.  Huge congratulations to you Brian.
Honorary Membership presented to Brian Klee by President John John Matthews 2023-08-06 12:00:00Z 0

Women's Refuge Collection

Many thanks to those members who assisted with the Women's Refuge collection last Friday at Countdown. 
Women's Refuge Collection 2023-08-03 12:00:00Z 0

Charlie Fleury and Rio Salisbury-Metcalf - Guest Speakers 

Posted by Robin Aitken

This week, we had the pleasure of hearing from two young women, whom we had sponsored on two Rotary youth programmes.

Charlie Fleury   RYLA  (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards)

Charlie comes from Naenae.  She previously attended IYM in 2018, sponsored by our Club whilst still attending Naenae College.  She is now in the workforce, cleaning windows.  Not any ordinary windows but those requiring her to use her abseiling skills! She is very involved in the Scouting movement, is a Queen's Scout and leads a local Scout group.  She has attended an Outward Bound Course at Anakiwa, and her ultimate ambition is to become an instructor at Outward Bound.  

Charlie Fleury and Rio Salisbury-Metcalf - Guest Speakers Robin Aitken 2023-07-25 12:00:00Z 0
Presentation of Usborne Dictionaries to Taita Central School by Robin & Eve 2023-07-25 12:00:00Z 0

Innovative Young Minds 

Posted by Annette Ruck
Open to young women in Year 11 and 12 at schools in the Greater Wellington Region, IYM (Innovative Young Minds). This year IYM was a 6 day residential programme that exposes participants to the many research and career opportunities in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mechanics) in the most engaging and hands-on way possible.  During the first week of July this year's IYM held it’s annual live-in program for young women students in years 11 and 12 who are interested in STEM subjects.  The course has a number of sponsors and the young women are sponsored by their local rotary clubs.  Our club sponsored Rio Salisbury-Metcalfe from Hutt Valley High School.  She lives in Wainuiomata and hopes to go to Otago University to study genetics.  She will come and tell us about her experience of the course this coming Monday.  
Innovative Young Minds Annette Ruck 2023-07-17 12:00:00Z 0

Rotary Project in Vanuatu

Posted by Pat Heffernan
Vanuatu is a cluster of around 82 islands and has a population of about 21000.  It is estimated that the population before the arrival of Europeans was close to 1million before dropping to 55,000 by World War Two.  Now over 55% of the population are under 15 and only 2% over 60.  This population explosion is putting a great strain on the medical and education services, but fortunately the islanders can grow most of the food that they need. There is minimal health support in the rural villages and the literacy rate is 74%.  Only78% of children complete their primary education for which the government pays only teachers salaries, leaving the villages and parents to fund the remaining school costs.
Rotary Project in Vanuatu Pat Heffernan 2023-07-17 12:00:00Z 0
Jaye's Trip to Canada & the USA 2023-07-17 12:00:00Z 0

Mike K's Holiday Pics

The Hubbard Glacier is one of only two that are advancing!
The Prince Rupert Rotary Centennial Monument in British Columbia 
Mike K's Holiday Pics Mike Keehan 2023-07-05 12:00:00Z 0

Presentation of Usborne Dictionaries

Posted by Jaye Howey
We have recently presented Usborne ILLUSTRATED dictionaries to year 4 students at the following schools -  Pomare, St Michaels and Naenae. Robin will present to Taita Central students early in the new term.  I emphasize Illustrated as these books are more like an Encyclopaedia than a Dictionary.  This is our 15th year of this project and we are told that teachers and students find these just as useful and enjoyable as they did in 2009.
Presentation of Usborne Dictionaries Jaye Howey 2023-07-05 12:00:00Z 0

Glenda's Opening Words at Changeover 

Tena Koutou katoa, he mihi mahana ki a koutou katoa
When I was looking for an appropriate quote to open tonight’s proceedings, I looked for something that offered a message of encouragement, reminding people they have the power to control their own destinies, make their own choices and ultimately lead others to the same path.  As an avid reader I favour those quotes that make me think of my role not only as a Rotarian but as a human being in everyday life.  
Glenda's Opening Words at Changeover Glenda Barratt 2023-06-28 12:00:00Z 0

Changeover 2023 

Posted by President Kathy Bryant
Our 2023 changeover began with a performance from the Taita College Chorus who sang the two songs they had performed for the recent regional barbershop competitions where they placed second.
As usual we had a beautiful meal provided by Chalet Caterers before we moved onto the awards part of our evening.  Shelley Bryant was awarded a Paul Harris Fellow.  Not only has Shelley contributed amazing service through our Rotary Club, but we also heard of the service that Shelley has given the community throughout her life.  Such a well-deserved and worthy recipient of this award.  It was lovely that Shelley’s sons were able to be there for this presentation.  David Thompson was presented with a Paul Harris Fellow sapphire pin to acknowledge his continued service to the club, most recently in the role of secretary of both the club and the Trust.
Changeover 2023 President Kathy Bryant 2023-06-27 12:00:00Z 0

Club Forum

The club held it's Club Forum in which the directors presented their reports for the year.  President Kathy presented her final report for her presidential year. 
Club Forum Jan Palmer 2023-06-22 12:00:00Z 0

President Kathy's Final Report

Presidents report for 2022/2023
The new Rotary year got off to a wonderful start with the celebration of the Clubs 60th anniversary with a dinner held at the Boulcott Heritage Farm Golf Club on 29th June.  What a wonderful evening of reminiscing.  John Prendergast (Past District Governor of District 9980 and current President of Petone Rotary Club) was a highly entertaining MC and had us laughing for most of the evening.
It was a real pleasure to award the latest of Paul Harris fellowships to an ex-member of our club Sir John Clarke and to present Jenny Jameson a Rotary Foundation Major Donor pin and crystal, in recognition of Michael’s generous gift to the Foundation.
President Kathy's Final Report Kathy Bryant 2023-06-20 12:00:00Z 0

Shelley's Report on Healthy in the Hutt

Posted by Shelley Bryant
A big thanks to our helpers - 
Mike, Paul, Kathy, Absie, Jan, Glenda, Christine, Tony, Jenny and Brian Klee.
A huge thanks to Mike and Paul who spent hours in the kitchen heating up the soup.
Thanks to everyone who donated goods for the draw.  The winners were a family who really appreciated the prize.  
Further thanks to Kathy and John Matthews for printing out the flyers, John Vile for the signage and Mike and Paul for putting the sign up and taking it down.
A special thank you must go to Julia Milne and her team from the He Puawai Trust who made the delicious chunky vegetable soup and to Countdown for the rolls and boxes of fruit.
Finally a big thank you to the staff at Walter Nash Stadium who helped us with the set up and then had a major clean up job at the end as the bread rolls were super crusty and crumbs were everywhere.
Shelley's Report on Healthy in the Hutt Shelley Bryant 2023-06-19 12:00:00Z 0

Jaye's Trip to Puglia, Amalfi and The Med

Posted by Jaye Howey
“Puglia, Amalfi and The Med”
This was the name of my recent 19 day tour and cruise package with TripaDeal.
(an on-line travel company)
“Why Italy” was the question asked by family and friends.  The answer was simple:  To use up the NZ$5,499 credit my friend Joyce, and I, had each been holding since a pre-Covid trip was cancelled.  No refunds!.  Quite simply, we looked for, and found, a trip which would use up all our credit!
Absolutely amazing value for money!  It included all flights, from and back to Auckland, an 8 day guided tour - Rome, up to Sorrento, Positano and Amalfi, before exploring the ruins of Pompeii and then travelling on to the area of Puglia.
Jaye's Trip to Puglia, Amalfi and The Med Jaye Howey 2023-06-15 12:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Linda Hoogenboom

Posted by Mike Fackney
On Monday night we had an excellent presentation from Linda Hoogenboom, Managing Director of Quality Life.  Linda is a Qualified Diversional Therapist who has been working in the Aged Care industry since 1995 as an Activities Professional.  However, her interests are diverse and encompass Dementia, Disability and Mental Health and have recently seen Linda working with Early Onset Dementia.  Basically, Linda is interested in anyone who has a special need.  Passionate about using non-pharmacological therapy to improve the lives of those who require it, Linda firmly believes that Diversional Therapy is one such critical solution.  But, having worked in the industry for so long she is also aware of the issues and constraints experienced in the role.
Guest Speaker - Linda Hoogenboom Mike Fackney 2023-06-13 12:00:00Z 0

RCEH Charitable Trust Grants

Posted by Richard Perry
The club’s trust board has recently concluded decision bringing year to date total grants and commitments to $36,950.  We also resolved to make further modest-sized grants to local schools and charities to an aggregate of $5,000; and decided to give club members an opportunity to make recommendations.  If you would like to participate, please email your suggestion to the Trust Secretary,  June Stratton strictly by 30 June.  Please specify recipient formal name, contact details, description of what they do/why you think an award is appropriate, and suggested amount. Richard Perry.(Trust Board Chair)
RCEH Charitable Trust Grants Richard Perry 2023-06-08 12:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Alaister Henshaw - Predator Free Wellington 

Posted by David Gledhill
All in the Family
Recently we heard an address from our President's father, today we heard from our Treasurer's son-in-law, Alaister Henshaw.   After his degree Alaister  was a primary school teacher for a number of years.  When he became a house husband he gained his M.A. in Education but then decided he preferred an outdoors job  and joined  Predator Free Wellington.  This was eminently suitable for a person who enjoyed 100km runs and had a passionate interest in conservation.  For four years Alaister has been the Community Officer for Predator Free Wellington.  He is proud of New Zealand's record in creating predator - free sanctuaries for our native wild life.  In other parts of New Zealand DOC has cleared several islands of predators, and Wellington is proud of founding Zealandia, the first "inland island".  (many years ago our club donated money for the first fence posts for it).  New Zealand is now leading the world in clearing both islands and mainland areas of predators to allow the native flora and fauna to flourish.
Guest Speaker - Alaister Henshaw - Predator Free Wellington David Gledhill 2023-06-05 12:00:00Z 0

Judith Gardiner - History of Hutt Valley High School 

Posted by David Gledhill
Hutt Valley High School has for many years been an important feature of Lower Hutt, and Judith Gardiner gave a brief but most interesting account of its history, with historical photographs.  Judith is in a particularly good position to recount the history as she has completed a number of family histories, has been a teacher aide there for 22 years and is also the school's archivist.
Judith Gardiner - History of Hutt Valley High School David Gledhill 2023-05-24 12:00:00Z 0

What Members do in their "Spare Time"

Posted by Brian Clarke
After retiring following 52 years in the public service in 2017 it was a change of pace I was looking forward to: a mix of physical work on our property in Mount Marua, church leadership, Rotary and of course overseas travel in the mix.  Within a couple of years that dream began to change as Mary and I downsized and moved into our new home in Silverstream; Mary retired March 2020 when Covid and subsequent lockdowns came along.
So the question is “do we have spare time”?? The short answer is ‘we don’t seem to have much.”
What Members do in their "Spare Time" Brian Clarke 2023-05-24 12:00:00Z 0

What Members do in their Spare Time 

Posted by Jan Palmer
What spare time I ask?
Life is very busy in the Palmer household.
With Doug still working a lot of the household chores fall to me although he does do the cooking which is a huge help.   We have been running a bnb for the last 5/6 years and with occupancy running at around 70% it keeps me extremely busy with new guests arriving every two days on average.  I have been delivering meals on wheels for the last 15 years and am often called on if they are a driver short on any particular day.   
What Members do in their Spare Time Jan Palmer 2023-05-18 12:00:00Z 0

International Committee - Fundraising Dinner 

Posted by John Cole
On Wednesday evening the International Committee held a fundraising dinner at First Choice Restaurant in Petone.  Over forty club members, partners and friends attended and had a most enjoyable meal.  I am sure nobody would have needed supper when they got home.  All who attended generously supported a raffle which contributed to the evening raising $510.00 towards an International project.  Thanks must go to Linda Goss-Wallace and Errol Tong for their efforts in arranging a most enjoyable evening and to friends who supported the event.
Thank you all.
International Committee - Fundraising Dinner John Cole 2023-05-17 12:00:00Z 0

Bill Boyd - Guest Speaker 

Posted by David Gledhill on May 18, 2023
Tonight we heard an address by Bill Boyd, Magazine Distribution, well known as father of our President Cathy Bryant, former rugby referee and playmate of Jan Alford at primary school.  Bill is also known as former President of Rotary International 2006/7, Queens Service Order for Community Service and Companion of New Zealand Order of Merit.  The list of Rotary positions Bill has held is too long to list here, but notably after retiring from many senior positions in the administration, Bill has dedicated his time to the Rotary Peace Programme, setting up Rotary Peace Centres around the world.  This was his subject tonight.
Bill Boyd - Guest Speaker David Gledhill 2023-05-17 12:00:00Z 0

Enliven Home Dementia Garden  - Final Working Bee

Posted by Annette Ruck
Today we did our last working bee at the Enliven Home Dementia Garden.  Mary Housten kindly provided the money for this garden to be redone in memory of her late husband Richard who was a member of our club.  Working bees have included deck and planter box water blasting by Joe Tomlinson's firm, two deck and planter staining sessions, seat repair and replacement by the Menz Shed at Days Bay, gravel replacement in the messy north east corner and two planting bees.  A great effort by all those involved. 
Enliven Home Dementia Garden - Final Working Bee Annette Ruck 2023-05-17 12:00:00Z 0

What Members do in their "Spare Time" 

Posted by Mike Fackney
My first career as a teacher and school principal was fulfilling and rewarding, but there was a downside, albeit, necessary.  In my second career, ‘Retirement’, when apparently you have ‘heaps of spare time’, I have attempted to avoid some of my first career downside, such as timetables, routines, meetings, etc.  Consequently my ‘spare time’ varies on any one day, as does the activities which take place, often because that is what I feel like doing - and not because I have to!  Indeed, I wonder whether I do in fact have any ‘spare time’, as I choose to ‘fill up’ my time, because life is too short to waste!  Although, sometimes I do wonder whether I should retire from Retirement!
What Members do in their "Spare Time" Mike Fackney 2023-05-11 12:00:00Z 0

Jane Gillingham - Guest Speaker  

Posted by David Gledhill
Jane is a member of the School Attendance Team Lower Hutt Valley.
There has been a growing problem of poor attendance at school for several years, aggravated by the tribulations of Covid.  Jane is in charge of a team of three set up by the Ministry to address the problem in the Hutt Valley.  In many ways Jane is ideally suited to the role.  Born in the Hutt, educated at Otago University with a law degree and happily married for 28 years with four of her own children.  Jane and her surgeon husband have been fostering children for many years, with a special concern for pregnant teenagers.
Jane Gillingham - Guest Speaker David Gledhill 2023-05-11 12:00:00Z 0

What Members do in their "Spare Time"

Posted by Glenda Barratt
The question was “What do you do in your spare time”?  the real answer is I’m actually trying to decide if I have any.  In the hours that I don’t work or are not involved in community events or Council meetings I try to relax with a good book with an Author I love, such as JD Robb or Nora Roberts.  Unfortunately I’ve read most of their books so have to wait for a new release to happen.  I’m not good at being patient so will generally resort to buying magazines to pass the time.
What Members do in their "Spare Time" Glenda Barratt 2023-05-04 12:00:00Z 0

Quiz with a Difference 

Congratulations to the first and second prize winners at our recent "Quiz with a Difference"
 First Prize Winners                                                                      
Second Prize Winners
Thank you must go to Richard Perry, Jaye Howey and the Youth Committee for arranging such a successful event which raised $1968 for youth projects. 
Quiz with a Difference 2023-05-02 12:00:00Z 0

Walk for Mental Health 2023 

Shelley advised that this year's Walk for Mental Health raised $3000 for Youthline. A brilliant effort by all those involved.
Walk for Mental Health 2023 2023-05-02 12:00:00Z 0
Committees Met 2023-04-30 12:00:00Z 0
Glenda Laying a Wreath on behalf of Eastern Hutt Rotary 2023-04-27 12:00:00Z 0

Visit to New Zealand Campus for Innovation on Sport.

Posted by David Gledhill
Our Tour Guides - Aaron Portland & Jamie Tout
"We had no idea all this existed. Astounding!" was the common reaction on our visit to NZCIS.  We knew the buildings had been created for the Central Institute of Technology in the 1970s, and had lain barely used and unwanted for years.  Few of us knew that Malcolm Gillies and Kevin Melville purchased the site in 2016 and have invested over $30 million in developing it.  It now has accommodation for 500, conference facilities and canteens and a state of the art sport facility, the largest in New Zealand.
Visit to New Zealand Campus for Innovation on Sport. David Gledhill 2023-04-27 12:00:00Z 0

What Members Do In their "Spare" Time 

Posted by Annette Ruck
As a relief driver for Meals on Wheels I deliver meals anywhere from Petone to Stokes Valley up to five days a week.  I get to meet lots of amazing people and see both the good and sad sides of Lower Hutt.  I am a volunteer for the Science in Primary Schools program including both Lower and Upper Hutt run by the Hutt City Council.   With over 90 kits covering more than 40 topics there is always plenty of replenishing and repairing to do.  These hands-on kits cover topics such as Rockets (yes they have been known to land on the school roof), Bones (10 small skeletons can certainly get muddled up), Plants, Bees, Magnets, Electricity, Recycling and many more subjects.  I am a member of the Waterloo Probus Club and U3A (University of the Third Age).  I enjoy the great speakers at these meetings.  I really enjoy my Rotary meetings too.  Walking by the sea and gardening are my hobbies.
My greatest pleasure is my big extended family.  Lots of fun and laughter and sharing and occasional head shaking.  My children and grandchildren are very special to me.
What Members Do In their "Spare" Time Annette Ruck 2023-04-25 12:00:00Z 0

Comments made by Christine's grandchildren.

Today as I was driving my grandsons to the airport this was discussed in the car. 
Kipp Worsley ' Rotary is great! They are so friendly and they do so much good works in the community .' 
Wow! And his brother Monty said, ' I hope Rotary is still going when we are old enough to join'.
Definitely two prospective members of Rotary!
Comments made by Christine's grandchildren. 2023-04-23 12:00:00Z 0

Painting of the Fence at Te Omanga Hospice 

A Letter of Thanks 
"Thank you so much Paul and your team.  We are so grateful, had a walk around this morning and it looks fantastic all to be finished and so clean and tidy. 
Please pass on our sincere thanks from us all."
Rachel Brandt
Volunteer Manager
Te Omanga Hospice
Painting of the Fence at Te Omanga Hospice 2023-04-13 12:00:00Z 0

What our Members do in their "Spare" Time

Christine Meredith
Christine is a member of Rotary, Inner Wheel, Probus and many other groups.  So what do I do in my spare time since retirement?  I make quilts for the Hutt Prem Baby Unit at Hutt Hospital in sizes from cushion cover up to 1 metre square.  I also knit for the babies.
However, I want to tell you another story of my evenings at home and sometimes daytime.  I mainly knit for others.  Along with a group from Inner Wheel we knit beanies, slippers and sometimes mittens for 2 lower- socio economic primary schools in the Hutt Valley; baby clothes and knitted or woven blankets for Pregnancy Help.
These beanies and slippers were made by the Innerwheel and associates knitting group. Ready to be donated to Taita primary school. Some are my knitted items too.
What our Members do in their "Spare" Time Christine Meredith 2023-04-12 12:00:00Z 0
Committees Met 2023-04-02 12:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Hospice Bird Avery Update

Posted by Paul Giles
Te Omanga Bird Aviary Relocation – An Environment & Amenities Committee Project
The relocation of the bird aviary at Te Omanga Hospice was one of the major projects for the Environment and Amenities Committee in 2021 – 2022.  Whilst the hospice originally envisaged a new aviary being built, the cost and the logistics of this concept seemed rather daunting.
Te Omanga Hospice Bird Avery Update Paul Giles 2023-03-29 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Dr Bob Maxwell

Posted by David Gledhill on Mar 27, 2023
"Eat, ski, sleep, repeat."
Bob has led an amazing life that even the most adventurous of us can only dream of.  He did not have much of an outdoor education at school (too naughty to be allowed) but after a course at Outward Bound, he developed a taste for adventure and has lived his dream.  He has climbed Mt Everest from the China side, completed the "Seven Summits" - one in each continent, and been on five expeditions in Antarctica.
Guest Speaker - Dr Bob Maxwell David Gledhill 2023-03-26 11:00:00Z 0

2023 Walk for Mental Health

Posted by Shelley Bryant on Mar 26, 2023
On Sunday, approximately 70 walkers turned up for the event.  The support from other Rotary Clubs was great and the intention is to have them more involved in the next walk. It was lovely seeing the purple clothes, purple hair, and purple balloons. Even a dog was dressed in a purple harness with a purple lead.  The band “Quite Some Company” were great and gave the event a really festive atmosphere.
2023 Walk for Mental Health Shelley Bryant 2023-03-25 11:00:00Z 0

Tidying up of the Native Planting on the Hutt Riverbank 

Posted by Annette Ruck
Last Saturday morning a group of young men on a special home detention rehabilitation scheme and their supervisor formed a volunteer working party and came to clear away weeds from our club's grove of native planting on the riverbank at Taita.  They cleared weeds from the edge of the planted area facing the river trail and it looks so much tidier now.  The original grove of trees was planted in 2018 under the leadership of the late David Comparini who was a member of our club. 
Tidying up of the Native Planting on the Hutt Riverbank Annette Ruck 2023-03-21 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker Judith O'Byrne - Salvation Army 

Posted by David Gledhill on Mar 20, 2023
Judith O'Byrne, Community Ministries Manager, Salvation Army, Lower Hutt
Judith came to New Zealand four years ago from Germany, for a nine-week holiday and stayed here.  Judith is married with two children and has studied theology.  A member of the Salvation Army, she has a passion for helping people, a passion for helping to meet people's basic needs and a strong sense of social justice.  She spoke about the work of the Army's Lower Hutt Food Bank.
Guest Speaker Judith O'Byrne - Salvation Army David Gledhill 2023-03-19 11:00:00Z 0

Painting the Fence at Te Omanga Hospice

Posted by Paul Giles on Mar 16, 2023
While painting the aviary at Te Omanga I was chatting with Rachel Brandt, Manager of Voluntary Services at the hospice.  She explained that a corporate group had volunteered to do some fence painting but due to lower numbers coming on the day the work had not been completed.  Rachel wondered whether Eastern Hutt Rotary were willing to consider completing the fence painting project.  Mitre 10 Petone had donated all of the paint, brushes, rollers etc and so it was just manpower that was required to complete the task.
Painting the Fence at Te Omanga Hospice Paul Giles 2023-03-15 11:00:00Z 0

Fashion Parade Fundraiser

Posted on Mar 14, 2023
On Tuesday 14 March, the International Committee held a fashion parade at Ballantynes, Lower Hutt to raise money for the victims of Cyclone Gabrielle. It was a very successful event raising more than $1800.  Special thanks must go to Jaye, Eve, Glenda, Linda and Linda's friend Virginia for modelling the many outfits on display. They have definitely all missed their vocation.  
Fashion Parade Fundraiser 2023-03-13 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker -  David Taylor

Posted by David Gledhill on Mar 13, 2023
David has enjoyed, and is still enjoying a very distinguished career.  From Otago Boys High School, he graduated with first class honours in History at Otago University in1981 and proceeded to complete a law degree in 1984.  After a spell in the Prime Minister's Department he joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade where he is now leading the Russia Sanctions Taskforce.  He gave us a full, if discreet account of his career. 
Guest Speaker - David Taylor David Gledhill 2023-03-12 11:00:00Z 0

Induction of June Stratton 

June Stratton (nee Hyslop) was born on 12 June 1948 and grew up in the suburb of Northland, Wellington.  She attended Northland School, Wellington Girls' College and then, in 1965 at age 16yrs, she enrolled at Victoria University and Wellington Teachers' College.  Over the next four years she completed a Science degree majoring in mathematics and chemistry, graduated with a Diploma in Teaching and gained a Trained Teachers' Certificate.
Induction of June Stratton Jan Palmer 2023-03-07 11:00:00Z 0
Celebrating 40 Years of Repairing Bodies & Rebuilding Lives   2023-03-02 11:00:00Z 0

An Evening With 

Barrie and Diane Littlefair, John and Lynne Cole, Jaye Howey (and Richard Perry) recently attended the very successful "Evening with Past Rotary International President Ian Riseley and Past District Governor Juliet Riseley".  
An Evening With 2023-03-01 11:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament

Posted by Jan Palmer
The Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament organising committee held a debrief yesterday and were generally pleased with the way the day went.  The amount raised on the day has almost reached $69,000.  This is the largest amount ever raised at their previous golf tournaments and they have advised this would not have been possible without the assistance of our club members.  They added they would not have been able to run the tournament without our assistance.  The committee is confident improvements can be made to next year's event.  Brian Clarke and I wish to thank everyone who assisted on the day in the Fine Dining Tent, selling of paddle raffles, welcomers, spotters at the auction.  Special thanks must go to Tony, Mike, Paul & Brian Klee who were charged with putting up and taking down 9 gazebos around the course on the day. It was a tough job! Special thanks must also go to Brian & Kaye Lummis who provided yummy prawn cocktails, chicken cocktails in the Fine Dining Tent. They proved very popular with the players. Brian Clarke and I wish to thank all of the members who helped make this such a successful event.      
Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament Jan Palmer 2023-03-01 11:00:00Z 0

Colin and Jan Alford's 56th Wedding Anniversary  

Club members surprised Colin by displaying his wedding photo and the wonderful post by daughter Jeanine.
Happy Wedding Anniversary to my wonderful Parents .. they met and married in the Bahamas .. 💕💕c1967💕💕 Dad proposed whilst mum was holidaying in Canada 🍁 with 11 red roses … .. on every anniversary there after he gave her 11 🌹 roses plus one ..❤️❤️❤️ I think he came to his senses after about 40 years married as mum didn’t have enough vases to put the 51 roses in ❤️
Colin and Jan Alford's 56th Wedding Anniversary 2023-03-01 11:00:00Z 0

Members trip to the West Coast of the South Island 

Posted by David Gledhill on Feb 27, 2023
On Monday we enjoyed the vicarious pleasure of seeing some of the highlights of our South Island's West Coast.  Jaye, John, Paul, and Tony took us on a series of day walks around the top of the western south.  For the audience it was the next best thing to being there.
Members trip to the West Coast of the South Island David Gledhill 2023-02-26 11:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Hospice Golf Day

Posted by Brian Klee on Feb 24, 2023
Eastern Hutt Rotary were immensely proud to be one the major supporters of this year's Te Omanga Hospice Golf Day today.  Held at Boulcott's Farm Heritage Golf Club, 38 enthusiastic teams entered in support of this amazing Lower Hutt organisation.  Raising a sum of around $65,000, this event was only possible through the very generous support of all its supporters and a successful auction - thanks to the bidders and our auctioneer, Doug Palmer.
Look at this pre-event build-up HERE, that was posted on Te Omanga's website.
Special thanks for the great work Jan Palmer and Brian Clarke in smoothly leading this valued relationship for this event.
Te Omanga Hospice Golf Day Brian Klee 2023-02-23 11:00:00Z 0

Yasmin Nouri - Malagan Institute

Posted by David Gledhill on Feb 20, 2023
Yasmin gave a brilliantly clear explanation of the work she has been involved in at the Malaghan Institute on some of the latest developments in immunology. She gave a brief background. She is a post graduate research student who has very nearly completed her PHD. The Malaghan Institute is an independent research organisation specialising in medical research. Based at Victoria University's Kelburn site it was originally called The Wellington Medical Research Institute but after a massive donation from Glen Malaghan, who founded Tip Top Ice cream it was renamed. It currently has 130 staff comprising 90 scientists and 40 support staff.
Yasmin Nouri - Malagan Institute David Gledhill 2023-02-19 11:00:00Z 0

Taita College Students Trip to Great Barrier Island

President Kathy showed the meeting a video of Taita College students visit to Great Barrier Island recently. She provided the following report.
On Saturday night 15 October 2022 a group of 18 Year 10 Taita College students met at school to start their week-long trip to the Hillary Outdoors Centre at Great Barrier Island.  The students were dropped at Wellington Railway Station to catch the overnight bus to Auckland.  Arriving at Auckland Airport early on the Sunday morning the students then flew in 2 separate small planes across to Great Barrier Island.
Taita College Students Trip to Great Barrier Island Kathy Bryant 2023-02-16 11:00:00Z 0
Club Members at Punakaiki recently 2023-02-14 11:00:00Z 0

Eastern Hutt Rotary International Committee Fashion Parade Fundraiser

Posted by Linda Goss-Wallace on Feb 08, 2023
Eastern Hutt Rotary International Committee Fashion Parade Fundraiser
Tuesday 14th March from 7pm 
Ballentyne's Fashion Central, 200 High Street, Lower Hutt.
Tickets $25 per person
Refreshments will be served
Come along and see the new season's fashion and styles.  
All tickets include a discount voucher for spending in store over the following week.  
We are calling for interest in pre-ordering tickets so a registration board will be circulated on Monday evening at our meeting.  
Please extend invitations to your family, friends, neighbours, other groups you are involved with.
We will run raffles on the night so any small contributions to making up baskets would be appreciated.  Please bring them to Rotary and give them to Linda by Monday 6th March.
Eastern Hutt Rotary International Committee Fashion Parade Fundraiser  Linda Goss-Wallace 2023-02-07 11:00:00Z 0
Linda & Ray's 10th Wedding Anniversary Celebration 2023-02-06 11:00:00Z 0
Committees Met 2023-02-06 11:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament

I am working on the allocation of duties for the TOMH golf tournament next Friday 24 February and will contact members who will be assisting on the day shortly. Thank you to all those members who have offered to assist.  It will be a great day.  If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact either Brian or Jan.  
Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament Jan Palmer 2023-01-26 11:00:00Z 0
Simon Clark - Winner of the Christmas Trailer Raffle 2023-01-26 11:00:00Z 0

Informal First Meeting for 2023

We had our first meeting for the year. It was an opportunity to catch up with friends and for President Kathy to talk to us about upcoming events. These included the Te Omanga Hospice Golf Tournament on Friday 24 February (tee off at midday) and the Walk for Mental Health on Sunday 26 March at 11am when the involvement of members will be required.  
Informal First Meeting for 2023 2023-01-24 11:00:00Z 0

2023 Walk for Mental Health

Posted by Brian Klee
Sadly, last year's wasn't possible due to Covid but we are hoping this year will be a momentous success.  All funds raised will go to Youthline Wellington again.  It is being shared on both Facebook and Instagram, so if you use either or both of these social media accounts, please share this with your friends, community pages, other contacts, etc. 
You can REGISTER NOW by clicking on this Link HERE.
2023 Walk for Mental Health Brian Klee 2023-01-22 11:00:00Z 0

Colin & Aileen Fenton 70 years married

Colin & Aileen reminiscing with their bridesmaid Wendy Cooper (Colin's sister) 
This article written by Nicholas Boyack appeared in Stuff on 12 Jan 2023
Congratulations to Colin & Aileen - 70 years married! 
All Black nearly scared off would-be son-in-law as couple celebrate 70 years
Colin Fenton was a worried man when he decided he wanted to marry Aileen Perry.
The future eye doctor met Aileen on a Dunedin tennis court and straight away knew she was the one for him.
His biggest fear was her dad – one-game All Black Arnold Perry. He was ensconced in Dunedin rugby culture and Colin was not sure how he would view a non-rugby playing son-in-law.
“I had a bit of a problem, everything the family did revolved around rugby and I was a bit of a scruffy lad that played hockey.”
Looking for advice, he went to his own father.
Colin & Aileen Fenton 70 years married 2023-01-12 11:00:00Z 0
Christine Surprising her Family 2023-01-12 11:00:00Z 0

New Year Message from President Kathy

Posted by Kathy Bryant on Jan 12, 2023
Happy New Year everyone and welcome back to another year of Rotary.  I hope all of you have managed to have some time to relax over the last few weeks and that you have managed to catch some sunshine despite the not so good weather a lot of the country has experienced.
It is a bit of a slow start into the year, having an informal meeting on 16 January and then a week off (Wellington Anniversary Day), a committee meeting on 30 January and then another week off with Waitangi Day.
We have a few things to look forward to:
  • 24 February: Te Omanga Golf Tournament
  • 26 March: Walk for Mental Health
  • March: Fashion Show
I will prepare a full report on the Christmas raffle once I have confirmed all the figures with Tony.  The winner has got in touch this week (he had been away and only just got the messages).  He is going to arrange to get the 1st prize from Mike hopefully sometime this weekend.  A big thank you to Mike Fackney for storing the trailer and contents in his garage.
It was a delight to see the article in Stuff today about Colin and Aileen Fenton.  A huge congratulations from all of us on your 70th wedding anniversary.  A wonderful milestone.  Also, Colin 32 years in Rotary on 18 January.  Congratulations on an incredible feat!
Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday night.
New Year Message from President Kathy Kathy Bryant 2023-01-11 11:00:00Z 0

Last Meeting for 2022

The last meeting for 2022 held on 12 December was a very relaxed "Fish & Chips" meeting which everyone who attended enjoyed. It was a pleasant way to end what was a very busy year. 
Last Meeting for 2022 2023-01-11 11:00:00Z 0
Club's Christmas Celebration 2022-12-09 11:00:00Z 0
June & Gary Stratton Entertained Us 2022-12-04 11:00:00Z 0

Glenda Barratt's Opening Words

Posted by Glenda Barratt on Dec 05, 2022
Tonight's opening words do not come from a textbook, or a quote or famous authors or humanitarians.  Instead they come from all we've learnt and heard over the past year from everyone who has graced these four walls.  All of you have spoken about how grateful you are to have "done something or meet someone". 
Glenda Barratt's Opening Words Glenda Barratt 2022-12-04 11:00:00Z 0

Aunty Gladys Latest Episode 

Posted by David Gledhill for Ron Hunter on Dec 05, 2022
Update with Aunt Gladys's (very) Personal Diary:
Dear Diary,
I had a normal Christmas day with the lovely Hunter Family.  My favourite nephew, Ronald, was there, with his brother Dav.
Aunty Gladys Latest Episode David Gledhill for Ron Hunter 2022-12-04 11:00:00Z 0
Update on the Memorial Garden at Enliven Annette Ruck 2022-12-03 11:00:00Z 0

Welcome to our new member - Mike Keehan

Mike was born in Invercargill and completed his schooling there.  He joined State Insurance direct from school and spent 36 years with the company, transferring around the country (to Wellington, Nelson, Oamaru, New Plymouth and Greymouth) in various management roles before ultimately being appointed to the company’s head office in Wellington, where he led a number of major projects, including the development of a bespoke IT general insurance information system.
Welcome to our new member - Mike Keehan 2022-11-24 11:00:00Z 0
Directors' Reports to Club Forum - 2022 2022-11-20 11:00:00Z 0

 The Children's Hospital and the Wellington Hospitals Foundation .

Posted by David Gledhill on Nov 16, 2022
Bill Day is a very successful businessman and philanthropist.  Among many achievements he is well known for co-founding Wellington's Life Flight Trust.  He is the Chair of the Wellington Hospitals Foundation which was founded in 2005 as the official charity to support the hospitals operated by the former Capital and Coast District Health Board.  He saw the need for a new Children's hospital as the old one was old fashioned, had no air conditioning, and was difficult for staff and patients, but the DHB and Ministry had no plans to replace it.
The Children's Hospital and the Wellington Hospitals Foundation . David Gledhill 2022-11-15 11:00:00Z 0
Committees Met 2022-11-06 11:00:00Z 0

Ralph Stewart - Lifetime Retirement Income

Posted by David Gledhill on Nov 04, 2022
After a distinguished career in finance: CEO of ACC and AXA, GM Marketing and Strategy at Tower etc. Ralph, MBA Manchester Business School, has founded Lifetime Retirement Income.  He realised that 40% of New Zealanders have no retirement income when they retire than the government superannuation.
Ralph Stewart - Lifetime Retirement Income David Gledhill 2022-11-03 11:00:00Z 0
Mike at Victoria Falls Jan Palmer 2022-10-23 11:00:00Z 0
Mike meeting Elephants Jan Palmer 2022-10-23 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Sir Anand Satyanand, Former Governor-General of NZ 

Posted on Oct 21, 2022
Our distinguished guest arrived in the car park just as I arrived.  Former Governor-general, District Court Judge, Ombudsman, Chancellor of Waikato University with numerous other achievements, Sir Anand Satyanand was dressed not "in a scarlet robe trimmed with vermin" but in a charcoal suit.  Somewhat nervously I asked how I should address him.  "Just call me Anand" came the reply.  "And I'm Susan," said his wife.  He was our guest speaker for the night.
Guest Speaker - Sir Anand Satyanand, Former Governor-General of NZ David Gledhill 2022-10-20 11:00:00Z 0

Hutt Riverbank Clean up

Posted by Annette Ruck
Thank you to everyone who assisted with the clean up of the Hutt Riverbank last Sunday. We covered from the Ava rail bridge to the Melling bridge which was an excellent effort. Included the team were Ian McFadden and Susie Dopson, Ian's daughter and son-in-law. Thank you so much team. 
Hutt Riverbank Clean up Annette Ruck 2022-10-18 11:00:00Z 0
Thanks to Colin White & Lindsay Richardson Paul Giles 2022-10-17 11:00:00Z 0
Eastern Hutt Inner Wheel Fundraiser Jaye Howey 2022-10-13 11:00:00Z 0

Guest Speaker - Josh Krakosky

Josh Krakosky. What is chiropractic care?
Born  and razed in Lower Hutt and educated at Naenae College,  Josh spent five years in Auckland training to be a chiropractor.  He now lives and practises in Lower Hutt.
Guest Speaker - Josh Krakosky 2022-10-09 11:00:00Z 0
Committees met Jan Palmer 2022-10-04 11:00:00Z 0

Matt Claridge  - Te Araroa Trail

Matt is the Executive  Director of the Te Araroa Trail.  Married with four children, he has always been  keen on sports and the outdoors.  Born in Invercargill he has  played sport professionally, including a stint in the Balmain Tigers.  Later he worked for Water Safety New Zealand.  Then in 2021 he became the Director of  the Te Araroa Trust.  He gave a brief outline of how the Trust started.
The New Zealand Walkways Commission was formed in 1975, and then folded into D.O.C. in 1987.  The concept of a walking trail from Cape Reinga to the Bluff was born.  The Trust was formed in 1994 with one full-time employee, and the first section, from Kerikeri to Waitangi was developed in 1995.  In 1998 Geoff Chappell walked the entire North Island and the concept gained momentum. Matt has written several books about the trail. The then Governor General, Sir Gerry Mataparae officially opened Te Araroa Trail in 2011.
Matt Claridge - Te Araroa Trail David Gledhill 2022-09-21 12:00:00Z 0

Colin Alford's Lexophiles

"Lexophile" describes those that have a love for words, such as "you can tune a piano, but you can't tuna fish", or "To write with a broken pencil is pointless."  An annual competition is held by the New York Times to see who can create the best original Lexophile.  

This year's winning submission is posted at the very end.

Colin Alford's Lexophiles Colin Alford 2022-09-21 12:00:00Z 0

Mike meeting the Chimpanzees

Mike letting the chimp pass in Kibale National Park Uganda 
It doesn't get any closer with a wild chimpanzee!
Mike meeting the Chimpanzees Jan Palmer 2022-09-21 12:00:00Z 0

Matt Claridge - Guest Speaker 

Matt is the Executive  Director of the Te Araroa Trail.  Married with four children, he has always been keen on sports and the outdoors.  Born in Invercargill he has played sport professionally, including a stint in the Balmain Tigers.  Later he worked for Water Safety New Zealand.  Then in 2021 he became the Director of  the Te Araroa Trust.  He gave a brief outline of how the Trust started.
Matt Claridge - Guest Speaker David Gledhill 2022-09-19 12:00:00Z 0

David Ruscoe -  Demystifying  Cryptocurrency

Background. "Crypto currency is a  digital currency maintained on a decentralised system (or block chain) using cryptography"  - Dave Ruscoe.
A dollar is just a concept.  In the old days  you  were guaranteed by the government that you could exchange it for gold (the "gold standard") but that ceased in the 1930s.  The supply of dollars is regulated by arms of the New Zealand government which has its own discipline, otherwise it could make everyone seem richer by just printing more.  Our currency is now heavily regulated, as is its use.
David Ruscoe - Demystifying Cryptocurrency David Gledhill 2022-09-11 12:00:00Z 0

President's Report to September Board Meeting

Posted by Kathy Bryant
The highlight for August must be the successful wine tasting evening.  It was once again a fun evening, and we cannot thank the 8 vineyards that came along enough for the evening.  The International committee under Brian Clarke did a great job organizing and a big thanks must go to Annette Ruck and her catering corps who organized all the food.
President's Report to September Board Meeting Kathy Bryant 2022-09-08 12:00:00Z 0

Visit by District Governor Marilyn Stevens 

Marilyn joined the Rotary Club of Hutt Valley in 1993 and is now a member of Kapiti Rotary.  She has experience in managing several businesses and is presently a member of the Otaki Community Board and a business mentor.  Marilyn quoted World Rotary President Jennifer Jones  "Imagine the possibility of changing the world." and emphasised the need to engage all our members by giving them some personal responsibility.
Visit by District Governor Marilyn Stevens David Gledhill 2022-09-02 12:00:00Z 0
Glenda wearing a onesie to work to raise money for Wellington Free Ambulance Jan Palmer 2022-09-01 12:00:00Z 0

Extract from latest RYDA Newsletter August 2022

May – August update
A rotary volunteer helping students check the tyre tread depth
It has been another rather interesting second half of the year with Orange light settings and Omicron disruptions to our programme days. 
Schools around the country have had fluctuating numbers and often they could only confirm actual numbers the day before attending RYDA.  It was great to see their commitment to our workshops in these trying times.
Extract from latest RYDA Newsletter August 2022 Jan Palmer 2022-08-30 12:00:00Z 0
Wine Tasting Fundraiser to Raise Funds for Wellington Children's Hospital Brian Clarke 2022-08-18 12:00:00Z 0

Wayne Gordon - District Governor Elect - Creating Tomorrow

Posted on Aug 15, 2022
We were joined by members of Upper Hutt Rotary for the evening. President Kathy Bryant and Phyllis Strachan, President Upper Hutt Rotary welcomed District Governor Elect Wayne Gordon.  After twenty years in the army and a stint as a chef at Scott Base, Wayne is now in the residential construction business in Fielding. As District Governor Elect, he is very conscious of the fact that Rotary membership in our area has declined by 24% in the past few years. Halfway through visiting all the clubs in District 9940, he sees a need for change, but does not wish to see the baby thrown out with the bathwater.  "If a person does away with their traditional way of living and throws away their good customs, they had better first make sure that they have something of value to replace them." 
Wayne Gordon - District Governor Elect - Creating Tomorrow David Gledhill 2022-08-14 12:00:00Z 0

From The President's Desk

President’s Report to August Board meeting.
Well, the year got off to a fantastic start with a great evening celebrating the Clubs 60th anniversary.
Thanks must go to John Cole, Anne Abbott and Ron Hunter for their efforts in putting together the evening along with David Thompson and Tony Cornelius who did the important in the background jobs of recording attendees and the $ of the evening and to Mike Fackney who looked after the technical presentations on the night.  A big thank you to John Prendergast (Past District Governor District 9980 and current President Rotary Club of Petone) who did a magnificent job as MC for the evening.
From The President's Desk Kathy Bryant 2022-08-10 12:00:00Z 0

Four Club Members Speak to Club

As our guest speaker for the evening could not attend because he had Covid, four of our club members spoke to us - Eve Bao, Tony Cornelius, Ron Hunter  and President Kathy Bryant.  Each member made 4 statements about themselves and each table had to guess which statement was not true.  We all learned a little about each of them including what was not true.  The prize for the winning table of a trip to the Islands fell through so we all received a chocolate bar. It was a lot of fun. 
Four Club Members Speak to Club Jan Palmer 2022-08-10 12:00:00Z 0

Wine Tasting Evening Friday 19 August 

This event is primarily to enable the Club to raise funds for new medical equipment for the Regional Children's Hospital in Wellington. It is also a time for fellowship and fun for members and friends.  During the evening there will be an opportunity to taste a range of great Wairarapa wines from the 8 vintners present; eat some finger food; buy a raffle or two and bid in an auction.
To make this a successful evening for all involved the organising committee needs your help.  Tickets to attend need to be sold, we have constraints on numbers so first in first served.  If you require tickets, please contact Linda Goss-Wallace.  Entry is by ticket only.  Payment for tickets is to the Eastern Hutt Rotary Trust account. 
Wine Tasting Evening Friday 19 August Brian Clarke 2022-08-03 12:00:00Z 0
IYM Participant Speaks to Club Jaye Howey 2022-07-31 12:00:00Z 0

Ray Tomlinson - World Beater from Lower Hutt

Posted on Jul 29, 2022
We may well have another world-beating technology in Lower Hutt thanks to our very own Joe Tomlinson and son.  Joe started his painting business in Lower Hutt in the 1960s, shortly after arriving from Scotland.  He built it up very successfully and it grew and still continues to grow under his old second-in-command after his retirement.
Ray Tomlinson - World Beater from Lower Hutt David Gledhill 2022-07-28 12:00:00Z 0

Karen Morgan - Principal Taita College

Posted by David Gledhill on Jul 20, 2022
Karen Morgan has been Principal at Taita College for six years.  It opened 1957 and currently has 374 students and it's Moto is: "Pride through success, honour through service."
Karen Morgan - Principal Taita College David Gledhill 2022-07-19 12:00:00Z 0

IYM Reception at Parliament's Grand Hall

Posted by Jaye Howey on Jul 18, 2022
Annette and I enjoyed meeting Naenae College student Fiona Varun (whom the club has sponsored) during the Parliamentary Reception for the 40 inspirational women attending the Innovative Young Minds course last week.
IYM Reception at Parliament's Grand Hall Jaye Howey 2022-07-17 12:00:00Z 0
Stephen Cross - Are we in safe hands David Gledhill 2022-07-10 12:00:00Z 0

Sir John Clarke

Posted by John Cole on Jun 29, 2022
This evening our rotary club is awarding a Paul Harris Fellow recognition to Sir John Clarke, an outstanding New Zealander, and a member of our community.
Sir John was born in Te Araroa on the East Coast, one of 12 children in the family. His father was Ngā Puhi and his mother Ngati Porou.
Sir John Clarke John Cole 2022-06-28 12:00:00Z 0

60th Anniversary Introduction

Posted by John Prendergast on Jun 29, 2022
E nga mana
E nga reo
E nga whanau o Eastern Hutt Rotary Club
Tena koto, tena koto, tena tato katoa
Good evening ladies and gentlemen, and a very warm welcome to what is a very special night, as we come together to celebrate 60 years of the Eastern Hutt Rotary Club.  My name is John Prendergast, I am a recent refugee from Invercargill and it is my privilege to be your MC for tonight’s celebration. Like many of you, I am a Rotarian; and like the Eastern Hutt Rotary Club I too am 60 years old - so I feel part of a very good vintage!
60th Anniversary Introduction John Prendergast 2022-06-28 12:00:00Z 0

60th Anniversary Absent Friends

Posted by John Prendergast on Jun 29, 2022
Our second toast tonight is to absent friends. In proposing this toast, I want us to think in particular about the many hundreds of Rotarians who have been members of the Eastern Hutt Rotary Club over the past 60 years.
And to get our minds thinking about past members and friends of this Club, I think a little bit of history might be in order:
60th Anniversary Absent Friends John Prendergast 2022-06-28 12:00:00Z 0
60th Anniversary Toast to Rotary International John Prendergast 2022-06-28 12:00:00Z 0
Christine Meredith, Director of Community Health & Welfare Christine Meredith 2022-06-26 12:00:00Z 0
John Cole, Director of International John Cole 2022-06-26 12:00:00Z 0

Membership Report

Posted by Brian Klee on Jun 20, 2022
Membership Report to the Club Forum – 20th June 2022
First and foremost, we are delighted to have Eve Boa join us recently, having transferred from the Rotary Club of Levin.  It’s also very pleasing to witness the way a few of our members have gone out of their way to make her feel welcomed – thank you, it’s a collective duty.
We found a champion to lead the establishment of a Satellite Club, i.e. Vanessa Koening.  She introduced herself to the potential candidates.  It’s my vision that having a young and enthusiastic group actively working with us is the way forward.  As we all age, we cannot do some of the activities we once did, but we can help them with those causes their generation are passionate about.  With an average age over 70, this is how Eastern Hutt Rotary will survive longer – let’s ‘pass the baton’ and let them lead the way into the future.
Membership Report Brian Klee 2022-06-19 12:00:00Z 0

Environment & Amenities Committee

Posted by Paul Giles on Jun 20, 2022
While Covid considerations limited our ability to get a programme under way during 2021, I can report that we have been successful in moving forward with two very worthwhile projects in 2022.
Environment & Amenities Committee Paul Giles 2022-06-19 12:00:00Z 0

A Job Well Done

Posted by Paul Giles on May 27, 2022
On Saturday 7th May, when we were mulching the plantings on the riverbank, Barrie Littlefair commented to me that the memorial seat looked rather tired and in need of some TLC.
A Job Well Done Paul Giles 2022-05-26 12:00:00Z 0

New Rotary Peace Centre

Posted by Bill Boyd - 2006-07 RI President on May 01, 2022
The Rotary Peace Centres fall into two groups. The Masters’ Programme gives scholarships to the specific Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies at our Partner Universities, which are Duke/UNC [who share the 10 awardees in a joint programme], ICU in Japan, University of Queensland, Uppsala in Sweden, and Bradford in UK.
New Rotary Peace Centre Bill Boyd - 2006-07 RI President 2022-04-30 12:00:00Z 0

Hollyford Experience (part two)

Posted by Jaye Howey
Hollyford Adventure -Part 2  (See Bulletin published 7 February for part 1 by Paul Giles.)
Day 3 of our Adventure started with an early morning walk from Pyke Lodge to the glistening Lake Alabaster, crossing, en route, Pyke River Bridge the longest swing bridge in Fiordland (almost 100 metres of swaying wire and wood!)
Hollyford Experience (part two)  Jaye Howey 2022-03-10 11:00:00Z 0
2021 Scholarship Recipient - Makalya Elliot Makalya Elliot 2022-02-24 11:00:00Z 0
Hollyford Experience (part one) Paul Giles 2022-01-31 11:00:00Z 0

2021 Christmas Raffle

Posted by Kathy Bryant on Dec 24, 2021
Well, the winner was drawn last night and congratulations go to the two prize winners!  A huge thanks to everyone who bought tickets this year.
The winning ticket was #13742 Karen from Tawa, and 2nd Prize was #16668 Roxy from Taita.
2021 Christmas Raffle Kathy Bryant 2021-12-23 11:00:00Z 0


Posted by Aunt Gladys
Ron Hunter's Aunt Gladys has allowed us to publish an excerpt from her diary. 
Alfredton Aunt Gladys 2021-12-09 11:00:00Z 0
Two Moments in History I Played a Part in Jan Palmer 2021-12-02 11:00:00Z 0

Hearts for Hutt City

Covid cancellations are happening all around us and many people I have spoken to are feeling “flat” and like they have lost their ‘mojo’. So Rotary Hutt City are solving that problem:
Hearts for Hutt City Sue Avison, Rotary Area Governor Hutt 1 and 2 2021-11-04 11:00:00Z 0
Environment & Amenities Committee Hutt Riverbank Clean-up Sunday 31st October 2021 Paul Giles 2021-11-02 11:00:00Z 0

Going South

About a year ago Robyn (well Robyn) and I decided to plan a holiday down south along the lines of “Don’t leave home till you’ve seen the country”,  as if we were going anywhere! 
“Where” I said, not really wanting to go as I spend a lot of time in Te Tau Ihu.
Everywhere was the answer and so the planning began.
Going South James Wheeler 2021-11-02 11:00:00Z 0
Another Snippet from Bill Boyd Bill Boyd 2021-11-01 11:00:00Z 0
Rotary Snippets Bill Boyd 2021-10-14 11:00:00Z 0

Polio and Taliban 

Posted by Bill Boyd on Aug 20, 2021
Taliban have children too
The situation in Afghanistan has escalated since a zoom meeting of RI END POLIO NOW Coordinators last week but several messages with great impact were delivered by our senior leaders during that meeting.
Polio and Taliban Bill Boyd 2021-08-19 12:00:00Z 0

“In the Heights” - a Movie Fund Raiser.

Posted by Jaye Howey on Aug 13, 2021
Raising funds for our Rotary projects is always a problem. Using a Movie as a fundraiser usually meets with a fair degree of success, although selling sufficient seats to make a good profit can be a challenge. The Lighthouse Cinema in Petone is always extremely supportive.
“In the Heights” - a Movie Fund Raiser.  Jaye Howey 2021-08-12 12:00:00Z 0

What has influenced your life

Posted by Dave Wilson on Aug 06, 2021
Otahuhu, South Auckland where I grew up attending Otahuhu Primary School & Otahuhu College was a vastly different place to what we have today with very few if any other ethnic groups other than a few Maoris or Chinese market gardeners.
What has influenced your life Dave Wilson 2021-08-05 12:00:00Z 0

Exploring New Zealand

Posted by Brian Klee on Jul 15, 2021
One of my interests leading up to my teenage years was scouting.  It got me fascinated in the outdoors as I began working towards the Queen’s Scout award.  To walk as much of our beautiful country as I can, still happens.
In those early days I lived in Palmerston North, hiking most of the Tararuas and a little of the Ruahine range.  I had one near death experience while walking up the Mangahoa stream near Shannon doing a trip to the Ohau gorge. 
Exploring New Zealand Brian Klee 2021-07-14 12:00:00Z 0

2021 Changeover

Posted on Jun 28, 2021
Tonight was another annual occasion to celebrate the past 12 months and to welcome in Eastern Hutt's new President for 2021-22, Anne Abbott.  It was a yet again a little unusual, as Wellington was still under Level Two Covid restrictions but it still didn't spoil a memorable evening those who attended.
2021 Changeover Brian Klee 2021-06-27 12:00:00Z 0
Mike Fackney - Paul Harris Fellow Jan Palmer 2021-06-27 12:00:00Z 0

Healthy in the Hutt – 19 June 2021

Posted by Shelley Bryant on Jun 19, 2021
This was a great day with very good attendance and positive feedback from the exhibitors.  The event was held at the Walter Nash Stadium which was an ideal venue.
Healthy in the Hutt – 19 June 2021  Shelley Bryant 2021-06-18 12:00:00Z 0

Wine Tasting Evening

A very interesting evening was enjoyed by members and their guests at Avalon Pavilion on Friday 4th June.  Even though it was leading up to Queens Birthday, this fundraising event for the Wellington Children's Hospital raised nearly $5,000.
Wine Tasting Evening 2021-06-03 12:00:00Z 0
International Committee Chinese luncheon fundraiser Rachael Carpenter 2021-05-01 12:00:00Z 0

Fridges to Hutt Hospital

Posted by Jan Palmer
In early October I received a call from Margaret McIver asking if our club would consider raising money for two fridges for the medical ward family rooms at Hutt Hospital.
Fridges to Hutt Hospital Jan Palmer 2021-04-07 12:00:00Z 0

Travels in New Zealand

Posted by Christine Meredith on Apr 06, 2021
This year with no overseas travel on the cards my daughter and I decided to do a road trip up the East Coast.  She had never been there and I had not driven that route since mid-1960s.  So a chance for us to connect with our NZ lives.
Travels in New Zealand  Christine Meredith 2021-04-05 12:00:00Z 0

2021 Walk for Mental Health

Around 300 walkers gathered in the grounds of the Wellington Tenths Trust (supporters of the Walk), many of them students from schools around the Hutt Valley.  They completed the recent 3-kms walk from Petone’s Hikoikoi Reserve, to the Petone Wharf. 
2021 Walk for Mental Health 2021-03-20 11:00:00Z 0

Rotarians Out and About

Rotary has been very active the past few days.  Thanks to Jaye's enthusiastic encouragement, we once again turned out to serve the breakfast for the Weetbix TRYathlon at the Hutt Recreational Ground.  It's a great children's event and our efforts were certainly appreciated by the organisers.  Thanks to everyone for putting aside the time for what was a brilliantly fine Lower Hutt day.
Rotarians Out and About 2021-03-16 11:00:00Z 0

Home on the Farm

Posted by Ron Hunter on Mar 02, 2021
I grew up in a large homestead (pictured) on a farm at 'Mahunga' in Masterton with my Mum Olive, Dad George, Twin Sister Janet, and younger Sister Margaret (who was also a twin, but her brother died at twenty-one months) along with sheep, cows, cats, possums, chooks, and horses.
Home on the Farm Ron Hunter 2021-03-01 11:00:00Z 0

Dave Comparini's Memorial Seat

Posted by Brian Klee on Feb 17, 2021
Something that was not clear was what the Wellington Regional Council's intended programme was around maintaining their plots like this.  So last night, led by Richard Perry, members of the Environment Committee and others, started a weeding programme in front of Dave Comparini's chair.
Dave Comparini's Memorial Seat Brian Klee 2021-02-16 11:00:00Z 0

My Thai Experience

Posted by Glenda Barratt on Feb 09, 2021
It was 2001 and my brother had just married a Thai woman from the rural outback’s of Bangkok.  A bachelor for many years he had decided to cut out the dating scene and choose a ‘Mail order Bride' instead.  
My Thai Experience Glenda Barratt 2021-02-08 11:00:00Z 0

Undies for Africa

Posted by Glenda Barratt on Jan 18, 2021
Last year, Ross Barber spoke about the tragic truth around what women are subjected to when they do not have underwear.  Thanks to donations from members and friends, we were able to send over a couple of suitcases of both new and pre-owned items.
Undies for Africa Glenda Barratt 2021-01-17 11:00:00Z 0

What does the acronym PETS mean?

For a long time, PETS has been the acronym for 'Presidents Elect Training Seminar'.  For us, the new Presidents Elect, this first training was over a weekend held at Massey University on 21st and 22nd November.
What does the acronym PETS mean? Anne Abbott 2020-12-08 11:00:00Z 0

Introducing our 2021 RYLA Candidate

Posted on Nov 27, 2020
We are proud to nominate this year's RYLA candidate, Madi Arps.  Here is her introduction: Kia Ora! I am 17 years old (at time of writing), and I am just completing Year 13 at Naenae College.
Introducing our 2021 RYLA Candidate 2020-11-26 11:00:00Z 0
Naenae College Prizegiving - 2020 Jan Palmer 2020-11-11 11:00:00Z 0

TV Consumer Advocacy

Posted by John Terris on Nov 01, 2020
I helped set up NZ’s oldest TV consumer advocacy group Media Matters in NZ, ( 27 years ago, a stimulating but often frustrating activity.
Pity that so much that is worthwhile on telly is impossible to watch because of the continuous interruption of commercials.
TV Consumer Advocacy John Terris 2020-10-31 11:00:00Z 0

Compost Bins For Te Omanga Hospice

Posted by Richard Perry on Oct 28, 2020
The Hospice had been looking for support to provide it with two sets of 3 compost bins, for the processing of the large amount of leaves grass and other compostable waste generated in their grounds.
Compost Bins For Te Omanga Hospice Richard Perry 2020-10-27 11:00:00Z 0

Riding the Trains to End Polio - 2020

Posted by Richard Perry on Oct 28, 2020
Last Friday, 24th October, a party 14 Eastern Hutt Rotarians and partners rode up and down each of Wellington’s train routes, to raise money for the End Polio Campaign.
Riding the Trains to End Polio - 2020 Richard Perry 2020-10-27 11:00:00Z 0

RYDA - 2020

Posted by Jan Palmer on Oct 16, 2020
RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) was a successful event with 78 students from Naenae College participating at the Ricoh Centre on the 13th October.
RYDA - 2020 Jan Palmer 2020-10-15 11:00:00Z 0

US Ambassador - Scott Brown

On Monday 19th October, Eastern Hutt Rotary will be proud to host the United States Ambassador to NZ as our guest speaker.  This will be a partner's night and also an opportunity to meet some of our future Satellite Club candidates.
US Ambassador - Scott Brown 2020-10-06 11:00:00Z 0

Focus on New Zealand

Posted by Paul Giles
A few days ago I was looking through our bookcase and deciding what should stay and what could go - things you do in retirement!  Anyway, I came upon ‘Focus on New Zealand'.
Focus on New Zealand Paul Giles 2020-09-29 11:00:00Z 0

Michael Jameson Retires

Posted on Sep 21, 2020
Haere Ra, Michael Jameson, PHF.  As one who exemplifies all that is best about Eastern Hutt Rotary, it was Michael's last formal attendance as a Member this week.
Michael Jameson Retires David Gledhill 2020-09-20 12:00:00Z 0
Life & Times of Robin Aitken David Gledhill 2020-09-13 12:00:00Z 0

Hutt River Bank Clean Up

Posted by Paul Giles
An enthusiastic and willing group of club members (and partners) spent Sunday morning picking up an assortment of paper, plastic and other items of rubbish lying on the banks of Te Awa Kairangi/Hutt River.
Hutt River Bank Clean Up Paul Giles 2020-09-12 12:00:00Z 0

A Life of Learning

Posted by Christine Meredith on Sep 03, 2020
At the beginning of this year, a trip to Brisbane to see family and life seemed normal.  Little did I know that Covid19 was looming.  Online I had seen that there was an unusual flu virus in China, with no idea of the impact it would have on me, my family, friends and country.
A Life of Learning Christine Meredith 2020-09-02 12:00:00Z 0

Quiz Par Excellence

Posted by David Gledhill on Aug 31, 2020
Linda and husband Ray Wallace organised a quiz night based on questions largely about our own Club.
Quiz Par Excellence David Gledhill 2020-08-30 12:00:00Z 0

Purchasing a New Vehicle update

Posted by David Gledhill
On Purchasing a new vehicle, a letter to John Cole.  EE lad, you don't know how lucky you were.  I went to buy a new (to me) vehicle in 1962.
Purchasing a New Vehicle update David Gledhill 2020-08-18 12:00:00Z 0

Introducing Barry Littlefair

Posted by David Gledhill
Barry's was meant to be a small "life and times" on "Why I joined Rotary", but when the planned main speaker did not arrive Barry's turned out to be the main, indeed only, talk.
Introducing Barry Littlefair David Gledhill 2020-08-16 12:00:00Z 0

2020 Usborne  Dictionary Presentations

Posted by Jaye Howey on Aug 11, 2020
Recent presentations to Year 4 students at Naenae School to 52 very happy recipients receiving their Usborne dictionaries.  Proudly presented by Jaye Howey and Glenda Barratt.
2020 Usborne Dictionary Presentations Jaye Howey 2020-08-10 12:00:00Z 0

Purchasing a New Vehicle

Posted by John Cole on Aug 10, 2020
                           1975 versus 2020
Last month I took delivery of a new company vehicle. It made me reminisce about buying a vehicle in the “old days”.
Purchasing a New Vehicle John Cole 2020-08-09 12:00:00Z 0
Richard Perry's 40+ Rotary Years Colin Alford 2020-08-02 12:00:00Z 0

Jenny Thompson, MNZM

Posted on Jul 15, 2020
It was a proud family moment, especially for Secretary David Thompson when his wife Jenny became a Member Of The New Zealand Order Of Merit (MNZM).
Jenny Thompson, MNZM 2020-07-14 12:00:00Z 0

Southward's Wurlitzer

Posted by Gary Stratton on Jul 15, 2020
The Wurlitzer theatre organ was developed to accompany silent movies.  Although expensive, they replaced the various theatre groups of musicians in the larger theatres.  They were very popular in Britain and a very few made it to NZ. 
Southward's Wurlitzer Gary Stratton 2020-07-14 12:00:00Z 0
Innovated Young Minds - 2020 Sue Avison 2020-07-08 12:00:00Z 0
Welcome to 2020-21 Board 2020-07-06 12:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Gwen Hoople

Posted on Jul 06, 2020
Originally from the Scottish border town of Jedburgh, Gwen was raised in Hamilton and went to Sacred Heart Girl’s College.
Welcome to Gwen Hoople 2020-07-05 12:00:00Z 0

2020 Changeover

Posted on Jul 06, 2020
 Eastern Hutt's 2020 Changeover Evening
What a very memorable evening!  Led in by President, Robert Sinclair, a Scottish cord piped in the Haggis.  This was superbly orchestrated by Kevin Nelson, who then recited Robbie Burns' famous poem.
2020 Changeover 2020-07-05 12:00:00Z 0

Update from China

Posted by Richard Pollock on Jun 30, 2020
Former Member, Richard, and Jocelyn, visited the club during a holiday back in NZ on 18 July 2018.  Courtesy of Facebook, here is an interesting update from him while travelling within China since Covid-19.
Update from China Richard Pollock 2020-06-29 12:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Robin Aitken

Posted on Jun 29, 2020

President Robert and members warmly welcomed Robin Aitken at the end of June, as our newest Member.  He said his memory of Graeme Blick's mantra, “Rotarians are good people, doing good things”, was still fresh in his mind.

Welcome to Robin Aitken 2020-06-28 12:00:00Z 0

Welcome Barry Littlefair

Posted on Jun 22, 2020
Tonight we welcomed Barry Littlefair as a new member.  Barry and Diane emigrated to New Zealand in November 2019 and they now live in Eastbourne.  They have 2 sons, one married to a Kiwi, with two children, also living in Eastbourne.  The other one is married and lives in Hong Kong.
Welcome Barry Littlefair 2020-06-21 12:00:00Z 0
Des Darby - Honorary Membership Status 2020-06-21 12:00:00Z 0

The Rotary World Out There

Posted by Bill Boyd

The Rotary International Board, The Rotary Foundation Trustees, and all their committees will meet online at least till the end of 2020.  The Board has recommended that all Institutes and training of incoming officers also be virtual.  The ban on the funding of Rotary travel continues.

The Rotary World Out There Bill Boyd 2020-05-31 12:00:00Z 0

Peace Scholarship Foundation

Posted by Bill Boyd on May 31, 2020
Many Rotarians support the concept of Peace [though there is no clear definition of what Peace is].  While the decision to establish a Peace Endowment was made in 2005, it was 2008 before work to fund the endowment began and by 2017 the gifts as at 30th September 2017 are $156,321,477. 
Peace Scholarship Foundation Bill Boyd 2020-05-30 12:00:00Z 0

Classifications in Rotary

Posted by Bill Boyd on May 21, 2020
The classification principle goes back to the start of Rotary in 1905 when Paul Harris and his friends decided that members should come from different classifications so as to represent a cross section of society and not become another focused self interest group.
Classifications in Rotary Bill Boyd 2020-05-20 12:00:00Z 0

Tribute to Dave Comparini

Posted by Colin Alford on May 11, 2020
“Service Above Self” - the Rotary International motto is epitomized by Past President Dave Comparini.
Dave joined the Rotary Club of Eastern Hutt in September 1998. His background was in Construction Management having started his working life as a carpenter in Nelson.
Tribute to Dave Comparini Colin Alford 2020-05-10 12:00:00Z 0

Mum's Virtual 90th Birthday Party

Posted by Jan Palmer
As many of you know, I am from a very large family.  On 2nd May, along with a niece, I arranged via zoom to have a virtual birthday party for my Mum’s 90th birthday.  Family members dialed-in from all over NZ, plus Australia, Sweden, and Singapore.
Mum's Virtual 90th Birthday Party Jan Palmer 2020-05-02 12:00:00Z 0
The Positives of My Covid-19 Lockdown Annette Ruck 2020-04-29 12:00:00Z 0

Trentham Memorial Park

Posted by Shelley Bryant on Apr 24, 2020
Paul and I have been so lucky to live next door to the most beautiful park in the Hutt Valley – Trentham Memorial Park.  It is wonderful to have it so close and has been a godsend during these past 4 weeks of isolation.  We walk to the park twice a day – a long walk without the elderly dog and a short walk with the elderly dog.
Trentham Memorial Park Shelley Bryant 2020-04-23 12:00:00Z 0

Our Past Stressful Time

Posted by Tony Cornelius
Over the last 4 weeks of isolation, I have reflected on how fortunate I am and how I am so pleased that I never experienced a pandemic during my working life.  I can only imagine what many people are having to deal with.  For some families worried about whether they will still have a job, how will they cope financially and, in some cases, living under less than ideal conditions.
Our Past Stressful Time Tony Cornelius 2020-04-17 12:00:00Z 0


Posted by John Terris
It’s all happening around me but not to me, which is fine by me.  People are behaving badly , but I’m not among them, such a relief.  The long arm of the law has reached out to grab a number of people trying to make a run for freedom from Lockdown.  I sneakily admire such high jinx but is it really worth the bother?  I mean hiring lawyers and ruining your CV?
LIFE IN LOCKDOWN 14-4-20 John Terris 2020-04-15 12:00:00Z 0

The Politics of Covid19

Posted by Bill Boyd
The politics of the Covid19 response have cost a lot of lives internationally. Sadly, in the early days it became a US/China issue and this delayed the preparations for what was inevitably going to happen. I read yesterday that US agencies took two months to issue their purchase orders for items such as ventilators and protective clothing and have since struggled to catch up.
The Politics of Covid19 Bill Boyd 2020-04-14 12:00:00Z 0

Polio Update

Posted by Bill Boyd
As at 8 April, Afghanistan had 3 cases this year as again 29 for the full year last year. In the month of February there were 6.7 million children vaccinated but 1.9 million children were missed as they were in areas that were inaccessible. They have 19 cross border posts which vaccinated 1.8 million children as the amount of movement between Afghanistan and Pakistan is considerable. In their country they have 2926 social mobilisers, who organise and vaccinate.
Polio Update Bill Boyd 2020-04-11 12:00:00Z 0

Coronavirus Blues – Flight from Ethiopia

On 10 March I flew out of Wellington, on Singapore Airlines, excited to embark on a solo and independent seven week trip to Ethiopia, Uganda, and Rwanda. However, to ensure that I had one of the limited permits to visit mountain gorillas, I was also booked on an eight day tour of Ugandan wildlife parks. While I was aware of the increasing Covid-19 threat, I considered all would be well for me in eastern Africa. 


Coronavirus Blues – Flight from Ethiopia  Michael Fackney 2020-04-08 12:00:00Z 0

Rotary International Membership

Posted by Bill Boyd
I saw a comment the other day that a Rotarian was querying what was happening at Rotary International level. RI staff are working from home till at least 30th April and there will be no funded RI travel before May 31st. The April meetings of the RI Board and the Foundation Trustees were both held virtually. Not simple because of time zones! All Peace Fellows were asked to return home if possible and somewhere in excess of 1000 Rotary Youth Exchangees returned home early.
Rotary International Membership Bill Boyd 2020-03-12 11:00:00Z 0

Weetbix Tryathalon - 2020

Inspired by the community buzz we'd enjoyed in previous years, our team of enthusiastic Rotarians once again volunteered in supporting the Weetbix Tryathalon at the Hutt Recretional grounds.  Once again, it was so enjoyable. The weather played it's part but sadly, a Hutt Valley power cut brought a new challenge!
Weetbix Tryathalon - 2020 Brian Klee 2020-03-11 11:00:00Z 0

A Favourite Pastime

Lawn Bowls is the anglicised variant of a family of sports in which several larger balls or biased bowls are rolled or thrown at a smaller target ball.
A Favourite Pastime Judy Dearsley 2020-03-05 11:00:00Z 0

WFMH Report

On March the 1st our inaugural Walk for Mental Health was held.  The weather was stunning, the harbour was flat, no wind – everything we could have possibly asked for.

WFMH Report Shelley Bryant 2020-03-01 11:00:00Z 0

Patons Rock and Surrounds

My Xmas holiday destination of Paton Rock was once again the place to go in 2019.  Over the past 20 years the opportunity to Holiday with my good friends at “The Look out“ on the beach is always a delightful experience.
Patons Rock and Surrounds Dave Comparini 2020-01-30 11:00:00Z 0
Simple Music Player Robin Fenwick 2020-01-22 11:00:00Z 0

Walk for Mental Health

A dedicated few have been working hard during the holiday period to present this inaugural event.  Make it a family event and please share this information with your friends too - especially if you're on Facebook!
Walk for Mental Health Shelley Bryant 2020-01-21 11:00:00Z 0

Community Health Monitor

Last year, Eastern Hutt Rotary approved a donation towards the salary of a Community Health Monitor.  The photo above and others below have been received along with their thanks from Dharamvir Singh in India.
Community Health Monitor Colin Alford 2020-01-13 11:00:00Z 0
Pre-Christmas Thoughts Glenda Barratt 2019-12-08 11:00:00Z 0

Community & Health Committee report

Posted by David Gledhill on Dec 05, 2019
Over the past 6 months the Community & Health Committee are proud of their collective activities.  Here are some of those we are proud to be involved in:
Community & Health Committee report David Gledhill 2019-12-04 11:00:00Z 0

Parkinson Collection - 2019

Posted by Russell Good on Nov 01, 2019
The numbers are in. The collection at Pak’N’Save, Lower Hutt netted a total of $1,516.40.  A great achievement, only possible with your support.
Parkinson Collection - 2019 Russell Good 2019-10-31 11:00:00Z 0

A family affair

Posted by Linda Goss-Wallace on Oct 28, 2019
On 'End Polio Now' day, Ray and I were heading to Brisbane Airport after a short break in Surfers Paradise.  We took the opportunity to stop at SouthBank and meet my oldest brother David Goss.  He's a member of The Greater Springfield Rotary Club in District 9630 in Brisbane and they were also participating in an event that evening, "Riding The Train to End Polio" - as you can see by his t-shirt.
A family affair Linda Goss-Wallace 2019-10-27 11:00:00Z 0 Rotary

Ride the trains to End Polio Now day

Posted by Richard Perry on Oct 24, 2019
I’m pleased to say that a good group of Easter Hutt Rotary members participated in the day’s activities.  Five members or associates (of all ages) stood collecting from the public at Naenae Station during this day, in shifts from 6am onwards.
Ride the trains to End Polio Now day Richard Perry 2019-10-23 11:00:00Z 0
Russian Delight Brian Klee 2019-10-15 11:00:00Z 0

Wim Julicher - Paul Harris Fellowship award

Posted on Sep 30, 2019
What better occasion to honour someone, than when the District Governor visits.  Accompanied by his family, Wim Julicher was presented the Paul Harris Fellowship tonight.  It was a huge surprise and there was the odd tear in the eye I believe!
Wim Julicher - Paul Harris Fellowship award 2019-09-29 11:00:00Z 0

Duffy Books in Schools - Rata Street School

Posted by Jaye Howey on Sep 13, 2019
At Rata Street School last week, Eastern Hutt Rotary was once again present to promote 'Books in Homes' and of course Duffy Books.  Those included were Annette Ruck, John Cole, Linda Goss-Wallace and myself.
Duffy Books in Schools - Rata Street School Jaye Howey 2019-09-12 12:00:00Z 0

Strange but True

Posted by Moira Jackson on Sep 12, 2019
Our first grandchild is due mid-November.  The prospect of her arrival would have turned her late granddad into a puddle of unbridled excitement. 
Strange but True Moira Jackson 2019-09-11 12:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Linda Goss-Wallace

Posted on Aug 26, 2019
A very big welcome back in Rotary to Linda Goss-Wallace!  Linda joined Eastern Hutt Rotaract in 1985, then a year later moved back to Wainuiomata and joined Wainuiomata Rotaract.  Over the next 7 years she held all the board directorships and was President for two years.
Welcome to Linda Goss-Wallace 2019-08-25 12:00:00Z 0

Celebration of Duffy Books

Posted by Rob Sinclair on Aug 21, 2019
Last evening Jaye Howey and myself had the honour to attend Government House to celebrate 25 years of Duffy books in Homes and receive acknowledgment of Eastern Hutt's contribution to such a wonderful cause.
Celebration of Duffy Books Rob Sinclair 2019-08-20 12:00:00Z 0

Healthy Homes - update

Posted by John Terris on Aug 14, 2019
BETWEEN 2015 AND 2017 a dedicated team of footsloggers from the club, supported by HCC and the Health Board,  visited about 3000 low income rented tenancies, both private and HCNZ, in the Hutt, to establish which qualified for the Government programme of free or subsidised home insulation.
Healthy Homes - update John Terris 2019-08-13 12:00:00Z 0

Soap Box

Posted by David Gledhill on Aug 08, 2019
"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." ~ Edmund Burke and quoted by J.F. Kennedy
Please imagine that there has just been a violent bank robbery in Lower Hutt.
Soap Box David Gledhill 2019-08-07 12:00:00Z 0

Innovative Young Minds 2019

Posted by Annette Ruck on Jul 16, 2019
The Innovative Young Minds (IYM) program is run by the Hutt City Council and Hutt City Rotary with some help from other local Rotary Clubs, including us at Eastern Hutt. It provides young women in years 11 and 12 (the old 5th and 6th forms) with exposure beyond the school gates to the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Manufacturing - the STEMM subjects. Traditionally these have tended to be male dominated fields but they are now accessible and available to women if they know about them.
Des Darby and I had previously interviewed three Naenae College students, Alaa Loulou, Cindy Zhu and Ilma Aminudeen, all of whom gained places on the course, with our club sponsoring two of them. One of them, Ilma, was in the first cohort and Jaye Howey had the pleasure of hearing her speak on behalf of them all at the Grand Hall of Parliament.
 Ilma Aminudeen at the Grand Hall of Parliament, and Cindy Zhu with Alaa Loulou at the Innovation Dragons Den 
This year the program ran over two weeks and involved eighty students in total.  Each week, 20 of the students were local and 20 were from other parts of New Zealand. I had the privilege of being a volunteer on seven of the ten week days.
Innovative Young Minds 2019 Annette Ruck 2019-07-15 12:00:00Z 0

Mind the Gap

Posted by Colin Fenton on Jul 16, 2019
In a little over one year we will be voting in the next general election, and of equal importance, also in the referendum on Drug Reform that will include the legal status of Cannabis in this country. While thinking about this recently, my thoughts went back to my early days at Medical School and to one of our lecturers involved in research of the synapse. This is the microscopic anatomical gap between two nerves and between the end of a nerve and either a gland or a muscle, and one of the unanswered medical mysteries at that time was how does a nervous impulse jump the gap?
Mind the Gap Colin Fenton 2019-07-15 12:00:00Z 0

The Auckland Marathon

Posted by Gregory de Costa on Jul 06, 2019
The Auckland Marathon generally attracts over 10,000 participants, all running or walking over the harbour bridge early in the morning. In preparation for this, marathons are held at least five times in different locations on five weekends. It used to be coupled with short distance runs, children’s events and so on, lasting three to four hours.  The first practice marathon is usually held at Unitec, and then the others are in different locations around Auckland. The Rotary Club of Western Springs, my former club, has over the last 6 to 7 years been volunteering the marshalling activity for this event.
The Auckland Marathon Gregory de Costa 2019-07-05 12:00:00Z 0

Tuesday mornings. Term time.

Posted by Christine Meredith on Jul 04, 2019
For over 15 years I’ve been involved with the Probus Reading programme. I started with the second intake of those willing to listen to children learn to read. The programme started in the decile 1 schools of Rātā Street in Naenae, Pomare in Taita, and Epuni at Fairfield in the Hutt Valley.  At the time the programme was started there were not enough volunteers to put it into more decile 1 schools. The programme is the brain child of Rotary. It is still in the original schools. Each of the schools could do with more helpers either on a regular basis or on the relieving list. We also need more men to do it.
Tuesday mornings. Term time.  Christine Meredith 2019-07-03 12:00:00Z 0

President Pat Heffernan's Review of his Year

Posted by Pat Heffernan on Jul 01, 2019
Well where did that year go. Richard said to me at the start of my year that it will go fast and he wasn’t wrong.
I have really enjoyed my year as your President, maybe not the first 3 months though, but once I knew what I was doing things were great. It is full on and I was glad I retired to do the job. Dean McMillian told me about 5 years ago not to do the Presidents job while you are still working and that was great advice.
President Pat Heffernan's Review of his Year Pat Heffernan 2019-06-30 12:00:00Z 0

Serving Rotary

Posted by Judy Dearsley on Jun 27, 2019
At our changeover on Monday, 1 July, I will become an ordinary member of our Rotary Club, i.e. I will not be holding any official Rotary office.  Much as I enjoy being part of the Rotary family, I have been sitting at a Rotary Board table once a month, apart from December & January each year, for 13 years.
Serving Rotary  Judy Dearsley 2019-06-26 12:00:00Z 0

Outcome of Healthy in the Hutt 2019

Posted by Shelley Bryant on Jun 25, 2019
This proved to be a very successful day with 20 exhibitors attending. Feedback from the exhibitors is that they really enjoyed the day and would love to come again next year. Feedback from the people who came was that they benefited from the day and would like the event to be run again.
Outcome of Healthy in the Hutt 2019 Shelley Bryant 2019-06-24 12:00:00Z 0

More support for Te Omanga Hospice

Posted on Jun 24, 2019
At this evening's meeting President Pat Heffernan was pleased to present Biddy Harford, CEO of Te Omanga Hospice, with a cheque for $16,500. Two thirds of this will be used by the Hospice to purchase items for patient care and the remainder will be added to its current need for capital expenditure. The larger part of these funds were raised at our annual Te Omanga Golf Tournament.
More support for Te Omanga Hospice 2019-06-23 12:00:00Z 0

Are we like Janesville?

Posted by Des Darby on Jun 18, 2019
I recently read the book “Janesville: an American story” (2017) that at first sight reminded me of Lower Hutt. It's written by Amy Goldstein, a Pulitzer Prize-wining Washington Post reporter. A review had told me that the book describes what the town of Janesville, Wisconsin, had done to recover ....
Are we like Janesville?  Des Darby 2019-06-17 12:00:00Z 0

My International Exchanges

Posted by Tony Cornelius on Jun 11, 2019
I was invited to join Rotary in 1990 (that’s how it was in those days) and my first committee was International, and this side of Rotary became a huge part of our lives. My Gisborne club, in District 9930, was very active in hosting both GSE (Group Study Exchange) and RFE (Rotary Friendship Exchange).
My International Exchanges Tony Cornelius 2019-06-10 12:00:00Z 0

What an Experience

Posted by John Cole on Jun 05, 2019
Some members and friends may remember the year I was District 9940 District Governor (2001-2002).  I had a project to raise funds to support the Sewa Sadan Eye Hospital in Bhopal, India.
What an Experience John Cole 2019-06-04 12:00:00Z 0

Osborne House - Isle of Wight

Posted by Brian Clarke on May 20, 2019
When Mary and I went cruising last year we were based out of Southampton. We had a couple of days on shore between the Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth cruises so together with our travelling companions we headed for the ferry to travel across to the Isle of Wight for an afternoon of exploring.
Osborne House - Isle of Wight Brian Clarke 2019-05-19 12:00:00Z 0

Te Omanga Gardening

Posted by Brian Klee on May 19, 2019
Last Sunday morning, David & Jenny Thompson, Kathy Bryant and I, helped out for a few hours preparing the grounds for the next gardening stage since Te Omanga Hospice moved back home.
Te Omanga Gardening  Brian Klee 2019-05-18 12:00:00Z 0

My Favourite Food

Posted by Kathy Bryant on May 16, 2019
At a recent meeting we had Rachel Taulelai visit and speak to us.  She very entertainingly walked us through the 10 foods that represented her and the important memories and things in her life.  This got me thinking about what they would be for me....
My Favourite Food Kathy Bryant 2019-05-15 12:00:00Z 0

Pink Ribbon Breakfast - Update

Posted by Shelley Bryant on May 14, 2019
Thanks to everyone involved in our Pink Ribbon Breakfast, this was an outstanding success!  In fact, we had to turn people away as we couldn't accommodate more than 100 people!
Pink Ribbon Breakfast - Update Shelley Bryant 2019-05-13 12:00:00Z 0

Welcome to Dr. Gregory De Costa

Posted by Pat Heffernan on May 06, 2019
Gregory was born and grew up in Colombo, Sri Lanka.  After completing a Civil Engineering degree, he went to Japan to do a Masters in Environmental Engineering and PhD in Hydraulics and Hydrology.
Welcome to Dr. Gregory De Costa Pat Heffernan 2019-05-05 12:00:00Z 0

Proud Moments

Posted by Shelley Bryant on May 06, 2019
Proud moments- we all have them.  Some of these moments can be quite huge.